The Borneo Post

PSM wants to ‘make peace’ with Astaf


KUALA LUMPUR: The new leadership of the Malaysian Sepak Takraw Federation (PSM) will continue with efforts seeking to rejoin the Asian Sepak Takraw Federation (Astaf) as an affiliate, said PSM president Datuk Mohd Sumali Reduan.

He said PSM would initiate discussion­s and “peace-making” moves with ASTAF, apart from applying to be its affiliate member.

“This applicatio­n will take into considerat­ion the Olympic Council of Malaysia’s (OCM) recognitio­n of PSM as a legitimate central body for sepak takraw.

“PSM is confident that the ASTAF leadership will make a proper evaluation of PSM’s applicatio­n to rejoin Astaf, to be together in developing sepak takraw in Asia,” he said in a statement on Tuesday.

Malaysian sepak takraw plunged into a crisis when Astaf dropped PSM in May 2021 after its then president Datuk Seri Ahmad Ismail, in his capacity as Astaf deputy president, sent a letter to the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) and Internatio­nal Olympic Committee (IOC) on Feb 24 the same year.

Ahmad, better known as “Tok Mat”,

then resigned from his PSM post in June, followed by various efforts by the associatio­n aimed at regaining ASTAF affiliatio­n.

However, Astaf early this month stressed that it would not accept PSM as an affiliate.

Following that, the Sports Commission­er allowed the establishm­ent of a new body, known as the Malaysian Sepak Takraw Confederat­ion (MSC), to get the trust of Astaf and the Internatio­nal Sepak Takraw Federation (Istaf) as Malaysia’s representa­tive at the internatio­nal level.

Meanwhile, Mohd Sumali said the PSM Supreme Committee meeting yesterday unanimousl­y agreed to accept the applicatio­n of the Prisons Department to be its associate member, bringing its membership to 15. The meeting also saw the appointmen­t of the Supreme Committee members and Sub-Committee chairman who was picked by Mohd Sumali with the agreement of the Supreme Committee.

 ?? — Bernama file photo ?? Mohd Sumali speaks during a press conference.
— Bernama file photo Mohd Sumali speaks during a press conference.

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