The Borneo Post

YAST Group launches world’s first ‘phygital’ artwork platform


KUCHING: YAST Group, through its subsidiari­es YASTech and YASTArt, recently soft-launched the world’s first ‘phygital’, physical and digital artwork platform at

The artwork platform leverages on emerging blockchain technology and artificial intelligen­ce to promote the growth of the creative industry.

YAST Group founder Esther Law said the arts and cultural platform was launched to develop an ecosystem that provides job opportunit­ies, economic inclusion and sustainabl­e developmen­t.

“Our vision is to be a global arts marketplac­e where talent artists can utilise our platform to showcase their creativity and artworks in order to increase their potential of making a decent income,” said Law during the soft launching of platform at a local hotel here.

Law was confident that the platform would be a good ground for corporate sectors and sponsors to forge collaborat­ion with talent artists in meeting their corporate social responsibi­lity as well as supporting the United Nations’ Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals (UNSDG). Law pointed out some of the goals focused under UNSDG, were Goal 4 Quality Education, Goal 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth, Goal 10 Reduced Inequaliti­es and Goal 11 Sustainabl­e Cities and Communitie­s.

“Educationa­l activities through such platforms are one of the many ways we can take advantage to reduce rate of poverty and overcome social inequality that still exist in our society today,” he added.

Interested artists of creative industries who wish to showcase their artwork through YASTech and YASTArt platform, can submit their work or letter of intention to

 ?? ?? A dialogue session during the soft launching of the platform.
A dialogue session during the soft launching of the platform.

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