The Borneo Post

255,000 adults in S’wak yet to receive booster dose

- Peter Boon

SIBU: About 255,000 of the adult population in Sarawak eligible for the Covid-19 booster dose have not received it, said Dr Annuar Rapaee.

The Sibu Division Disaster Management Committee (SDDMC) coordinato­r said from that figure, 24,717 are from Sibu Division.

Given the hike in the number of daily Covid-19 cases, Dr Annuar urged these individual­s to promptly get their booster jab.

“Sibu District recorded the highest number of new daily Covid-19 infections this year, at 104 cases yesterday (Feb 22).

“The number of daily cases has climbed to three digits again. And based on our record, 88.6 per cent of the eligible adults in Sibu Division have received their booster dose.

“Therefore, I earnestly appeal to those yet to receive their booster jab to do so promptly at polyclinic­s, to protect themselves and their families against Covid19 infections,” he said.

Dr Annuar, who is Assistant Minister for Education, Innovation and Talent Developmen­t I and Nangka assemblyma­n, pointed out that studies have shown the importance of Covid-19 booster shots to protect against severe illnesses from the rapidly spreading Omicron variant.

“In fact, studies show that if a person has received a booster, the likelihood of getting an Omicron infection with complicati­ons or death is lower when compared

Sibu District recorded the highest number of new daily Covid-19 infections this year, at 104 cases yesterday (Feb 22). Dr Annuar Rapaee

to not getting a booster dose,” he explained.

He reiterated his call to the public to strictly comply with the Covid-19 standard operating procedure (SOPs), and avoid frequentin­g crowded places whenever possible.

“I have repeatedly advised that we should wear double face masks when going out, in addition to regular hand washing with hand sanitiser.

“But it is still best to stay at home if you do not have any pressing matters to attend to.”

Sibu on Tuesday recorded 104 new Covid infections, according to the State Disaster Management Committee in its daily report on the pandemic.

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