The Borneo Post

‘Diversifyi­ng vaccine portfolio expedited country’s rate of vaccinatio­n’


PUTRAJAYA: The government’s decision in diversifyi­ng the vaccine portfolio under the National Covid-19 Immunisati­on Programme (PICK) has succeeded in raising the country’s rate of vaccinatio­n which propelled Malaysia as among the fastest in the world, said PICK Coordinati­ng Minister Khairy Jamaluddin.

According to him, the national vaccinatio­n rate is high if compared with South Korea and Australia as well as other neighbouri­ng countries, with the highest daily vaccine shots administer­ed at 507,050 doses on July 21.

“Earlier some said Malaysia was slow in joining Covax and why didn’t we put all (portfolio of vaccines) under Covax. So far, we have only received 828,000 doses of vaccine compared to a total of 6.4 million doses allocated under Covax.

“If I had placed the full portfolio of vaccines under Covax...we will face difficulti­es, so this is the reason why we diversify the procuremen­t of vaccines,” he said in a virtual interview recently.

The portfolio of Covid-19 vaccines used under PICK were Pfizer-BioNTech, Sinovac and CanSino which were procured from the manufactur­ers, while AstraZenec­a was acquired from United Nations vaccine facility, Covax as well as the manufactur­er.

As at July 21, Malaysia had received 21,556,750 doses of vaccines comprising PfizerBioN­Tech, AstraZenec­a as well as Sinovac for usage under PICK and from the total, 16,024,916 doses had been dispensed throughout the country, he said.

“I hope we could maintain the existing momentum for us to achieve the target of vaccinatin­g all adults in Malaysia by October or November,” he said.

 ?? — Bernama photo ?? Khairy says diversifyi­ng vaccine portfolio has enabled Malaysia to raise its vaccinatio­n rate to among the fastest in the world.
— Bernama photo Khairy says diversifyi­ng vaccine portfolio has enabled Malaysia to raise its vaccinatio­n rate to among the fastest in the world.

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