The Borneo Post

Legend, Teigen endorse Warren: ‘She’s the best candidate today’


CAPTURING high-profile endorsemen­ts? Sen Elizabeth Warren has a plan for that, too.

The senator from Massachuse s has climbed in the polls lately, whi ling away at former Vice President Joe Biden’s lead as the likely 2020 Democratic presidenti­al nominee.

Influencer­s and celebritie­s for the ride.

The latest: songwriter and artist John Legend and Chrissy Teigen – the author, model, queen of Twi er snark, amateur bug sleuth and wife to Legend.

The couple revealed their support for Warren in a Vanity Fair cover article published online Monday.

“My favorite – I’m going to say it, we’ll break news today – is Elizabeth Warren,” Legend said.

“She’s the best candidate running today and she comes at it with joy and with sincerity and with a wealth of knowledge and experience.”

Teigen echoed him.

“I love Elizabeth Teigen said.

“I also love Kamala D Harris.” Warren has also earned the endorsemen­ts of two of the five members of Netflix’s “Queer Eye.”

Last month, Jonathan Van Ness said he decided to support the senator because she championed Medicare-for-all.

“I’m so excited to be shoulder to shoulder with you too.

I can’t believe you called!” Van Ness told Warren in a video shared by the campaign.

Bobby Berk, another cast member of the television show’s Fab Five, also announced his support for Warren a er her appearance at a CNN LGBTQ town hall.

“Until tonight I was on the fence,” he tweeted Oct 11.

“I am no longer.”

Then, of course, there was Ashley Nicole Black, a Twi er user who accepted Warren’s help to fix her love life while using her newfound fame to champion the contender’s polices. — The Washington Post are along


 ??  ?? John Legend
John Legend

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