The Borneo Post

MPKKP: DAP man challenges Masing to have him arrested


KUCHING: Democratic Action Party (DAP) Serian chairman Edward Andrew Luak has challenged Deputy Chief Minister Tan Sri Datuk Amar Dr James Jemut Masing to have him arrested if the promotion of the Federal Village Community Management Council (MPKKP) is illegal.

In a statement yesterday, Edward pointed out he is an active promoter of MPKKP in Serian, particular­ly in the Kedup and Bukit Semuja constituen­cies.

“I am always in Serian, my kampung is in Serian. I am easily found. I don’t hide or escape.

Report or arrest me if I am involved in any unlawful activities,” he said.

According to him, he and his colleagues have establishe­d MPKKP in many villages.

“In some villages, we encountere­d some resistance in establishi­ng MPKKP due to threats issued or made by GPS (Gabungan Parti Sarawak) leaders and misunderst­anding created by them,” he claimed.

“We managed to establish the MPKKP in those villages after explaining the role and concepts of MPKKP. Many are now in agreement on the setting up of MPKKP and waiting for Jan 1, 2020.”

According to Edward, MPKKP will enhance the management of villages, complement­ing the work of village chiefs and village security and developmen­t committees.

Masing was recently reported as saying that funding through

MPKKP is illegal and akin to money laundering.

He reportedly said Pakatan Harapan or any institutio­n or individual giving funds to MPKKP should be charged under the Anti-Money Laundering, AntiTerror­ism Financing and Proceeds of Unlawful Activities Act 2001.

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