The Borneo Post

Fourth FB account holder held over alleged provocativ­e remarks


KUALA LUMPUR: The police have arrested the fourth Facebook account holder for allegedly uploading onto the social media platform offending remarks about Islam and Prophet Muhammad.

Inspector- General of Police Tan Sri Mohamad Fuzi Harun said yesterday the 28-year- old man was arrested on Wednesday.

The police arrested three people last Tuesday for having committed similar offences and said then that they are looking for one more person.

Mohamad Fuzi said the latest person was held to assist the probe under Section 298A of the Penal Code which relates to causing disharmony, disunity or feelings of enmity, hatred or illwill or prejudicin­g the maintenanc­e of harmony or unity on grounds of religion.

An investigat­ion would also be carried out under Section 233 of the Communicat­ions and Multimedia Act 1998 for improper use of network facilities or network services and the like, he said.

“An applicatio­n will be made in court today ( yesterday) to have the suspect remanded,” he said in a statement.

Mohamad Fuzi advised the people not to abuse social media or any communicat­ions network by uploading or sharing any kind of provocatio­n that could touch on religious and racial sensitivit­ies and lead to racial tensions in the plural society of the country.

Up to Wednesday, the police had reportedly received 929 reports across the country in relation to insults against Islam and Prophet Muhammad. — Bernama

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