The Borneo Post

DAP man questions non-delivery of promised funds for aided Chinese, mission schools


KUCHING: A DAP man has claimed that many Sarawakian­s are unhappy with non-delivery of RM50 million to aided Chinese primary schools, and another RM50 million for mission schools.

Abdul Aziz Isa – a special assistant to Bandar Kuching MP and state DAP chairman Chong Chieng Jen – pointed out that the two allocation­s were announced by the Barisan Nasional (BN) government in October 2015 and were supposed to be distribute­d last year.

“The delay and ultimately the non-delivery of the promised allocation­s have left the Chinese community feeling frustrated, especially those who awaiting financial assistance to help complete new school buildings or for other upgrading works,” he said in a statement yesterday.

Abdul Aziz said SUPP had claimed to be championin­g for the Chinese schools but could not see to it that the promises made by the BN government – which SUPP is a part of – be delivered.

Furthermor­e, he pointed out that the allocation­s were those that had been tabled and passed in Parliament.

“This means that the money was never ready to be disbursed since the beginning of 2016. Where has the money gone to? Has it been channelled to other areas for other purposes?

“As part of the government, SUPP cannot excuse itself from such non-delivery of promises. Was SUPP sleeping on the job? Was it hoping that the Chinese community would forget the announceme­nt made in October 2015? Was it trying to cover up the matter for a good part of 2016 until finally 2017 came, and the allocation­s were still not disbursed?”

Abdul Aziz also questioned the sincerity of the BN government in developing Chinese schools in the country.

“All talks of fighting for Chinese education by the BN government are mere lip service on the part of the Chinese-based BN parties in the likes of MCA, Gerakan and SUPP.

“This ‘sandiwara’ (theatrics) has been played so many times that the script and playacting have become stale. Come the 14th general election, will there be another similar script by the same SUPP and BN?”

Abdul Aziz also hoped that the Chinese community would not be ‘fooled again and again by the same old tricks’.

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