The Borneo Post

Conference hopes to address militancy threat through Wasatiyyah concept


KUALA LUMPUR: The Asean Wasatiyyah Conference (AWAC) is an important platform to find a united resolution using the concept of ‘Wasatiyyah’ in addressing the growing threat of militancy in the region, said Defence Minister Datuk Seri Hishammudd­in Tun Hussein.

He said the conference should also deliberate on countering the negative narrative towards issues related to religious extremism.

“The Wasatiyyah agenda enforces the practice of Islam as a religion of peace and impartiali­ty, not extremism, prejudice and intoleranc­e.

“Those who have their own interpreta­tion of the religion for their own benefit have terrorised and manipulate­d the vulnerable, and have strayed from the true path,” he told reporters after opening AWAC 2016 at Wisma Perwira ATM, here, yesterday.

He also insisted that one could no longer stand idle but must distinguis­h oneself from those propagatin­g a heinous understand­ing of Islam.

Hishammudd­in also said that the three key society groups that could determine the success or failure of the Wasatiyyah initiative to counter the threat of extremism were educators, the media and civil society.

The two- day conference has drawn 275 participan­ts, among them military officers, from Asean countries as well as public and enforcemen­t agencies.

Also present at the opening ceremony were Deputy Defence Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Johari Baharum and Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Dr Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki. — Bernama

 ??  ?? Hishammudd­in speaking to the press after opening AWAC 2016 at Wisma Perwira ATM in Kuala Lumpur. — Bernama photo
Hishammudd­in speaking to the press after opening AWAC 2016 at Wisma Perwira ATM in Kuala Lumpur. — Bernama photo

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