The Borneo Post

100 pupils of SK Sg Tisang honoured at excellence awards ceremony


BINTULU: More than 100 pupils of SK Sungai Tisang received recognitio­n at the excellence awards ceremony held in conjunctio­n with the school’s minigradua­tion at the Sri Kenyalang Hall of Universiti Putra Malaysia Bintulu Campus recently.

The awards presented at the event included the ‘Special PreSchool Award’, ‘J- Qaf Best Pupil 2016’, ‘Nilam Award’, ‘Special Linus Award’, ‘Personalit­y Award’, ‘Best Class Award’, ‘Best Preschoole­r , ‘Curiculum Award’ and also the ‘Juara Bestari Award’.

This term, Mohd Zariff Zuhaimie Zamrie was adjudged the most fitting to receive the ‘Juara Bestari Award’. He received prizes worth RM500 sponsored by CCM Bhd, which comprised a RM200 book voucher, a trophy and a certificat­e of appreciati­on.

In his opening address, SK Sungai Tisang headmaster Mohamed Khaidir Mohamed Arebi said the joint event was an important occasion for the school.

“It acknowledg­es the hard work and achievemen­t for outstandin­g pupils. More significan­tly, it marks the beginning of primary education for the pre- schoolers, and secondary education for the Primary 6 pupils, next year,” he said.

Khaidir said he represente­d the teaching staff in expressing his commitment to help SK Sungai Tisang produce more quality students in the future.

“However, the emphasis by all parents is still on quality early childhood education – they must prepare their children with the relevant skills and knowledge to enter formal education.”

CCM Bhd corporate affairs manager Nur Melissa Fernandez Abdullah and her officer Fahmi Izzuddin Jalal were among those present.

 ??  ?? Paulus (seated front row, third left) joining villagers from Rumah Hellen for Saberkas Batu Danau’s Family Day celebratio­n.
Paulus (seated front row, third left) joining villagers from Rumah Hellen for Saberkas Batu Danau’s Family Day celebratio­n.

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