The Borneo Post

Fantasy short ‘Potret’ bags four awards


KUCHING: Fantasy short film ‘Potret’ was the top winner of the ‘Jom Buat Filem Pendek’ movie awards recently, taking the best film prize and honours for leading actress Susanthike Liam and director Joshua Rapheal Justin.

The short film also earned the Special Award – Creativity.

“We are extremely proud of ourselves for winning awards for our first short film. I earned lots of experience throughout this programme and I made use of everything that I have learned at Sekolah Seni Malaysia Sarawak together with my fellow friends, the actors and actresses.

“The incredible result was overwhelmi­ng and this really means a whole lot to us,” said 15-year- old Joshua from Kota Marudu, Sabah.

‘Jom Buat Filem Pendek’ was organised by the National Film Developmen­t Corporatio­n of Malaysia (Finas) in collaborat­ion with Sekolah Seni Malaysia Sarawak and Universiti Malaysia Sarawak ( Unimas).

“This programme provides an excellent platform for students to showcase their amazing talents in arts and culture, especially in making films. It is proof to show that the quality of skills in various fields of art and showmanshi­p of students at Sekolah Seni here are high,” said Assistant Minister of Public Utilities ( Electricit­y and Telecommun­ications) Dr Abdul Rahman Junaidi when closing the event.

‘ Potret’ is about a man who loves to draw supernatur­al beings, which eventually leads him to meet an elf in his dreams.

Other awards were Best Script (‘ Karma’), Best Art Direction (‘ Engkeromon­g’), Best Sound Arrangemen­t (‘ Putus’), Best Supporting Actor ( Mohd Hariz Azneil), Best Supporting Actress (Alisa Angeli), Best Actor ( Marivean John), and Special Award – Local Content (‘Kuntau’).

 ??  ?? Jamilah (right) in action during a gimmick to officially kickstart the friendly game between Sabati and Garuda Buster.
Jamilah (right) in action during a gimmick to officially kickstart the friendly game between Sabati and Garuda Buster.
 ??  ?? Joshua (left) and his winning team with their awards.
Joshua (left) and his winning team with their awards.

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