The Borneo Post

Parents told to prioritise children’s education


BINTULU: Parents play very important role in the developmen­t of their children and priority should always be given to their education.

Deputy Resident Hamdiah Bakir said in today’s challengin­g environmen­t, only education would ensure these young children could succeed in life.

She said this at the presentati­on of excellence awards at SK Tatau yesterday, representi­ng Bintulu Resident Muhamad Yakup Kari.

“Parents should have an open mind and if they have some issues with the school, especially with teachers, they should use a proper channel to discuss it with the school authority.

“What is important is for us to keep up their spirit to study hard to become excellent students,” she reminded the parents.

She acknowledg­ed that the UPSR results this year were not so good but it should not be an excuse for parents not to continue to motivate their children to study harder.

Meanwhile, the award recipients were Azhar Ihtisyam Jefri ( best male student level 1), Jacqlina Maria Anyi ( best female student level 1), Allen Leo Jugah Libin (best male student level 2), Alersya Evita Pengiran ( best female student level 2), Welly Panting Yong ( best male dormitory student award), Jessy Intang Peter ( best female dormitory student award), Oliver Samuel Galang ( excellent male student awardcocur­riculum), and Nurul Yulia Iswandi (excellent female student award -co-curriculum).

Tatau administra­tive officer Nyelang Galungan, a representa­tive of Tatau Education officer Norziana Mohd Saifudin, SK Tatau headmaster Janudin Ab Rahman, SK Tatau ParentTeac­her Associatio­n chairman Zulkifli Othman and SK Tatau Parents Support Group chairman Ningkan Unsu were among those present at the function.

 ??  ?? Hamdiah (third left) presents a certificat­e to one of the best pupils while others look on.
Hamdiah (third left) presents a certificat­e to one of the best pupils while others look on.

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