The Borneo Post

Yong slams Kuching South City Council for sleeping on the job


THE august House yesterday heard that Kuching South City Council ( MBKS) was not doing enough to upgrade drainage and to mitigate floods.

Violet Yong ( DAP-Pending) said there was a lot of hoo-ha since the first quarter of this year on this issue, but there was nothing concrete to show so far.

“MBKS claimed it will clear clogged drains and do other necessitie­s as a short-term relief. Many months have passed, but there is no sign of improvemen­ts to the flash-flood situation,” she said when debating State Budget 2017.

“For the past 40 years, the drainage system of many housing estates within Kuching South areas has not been upgraded or improved.”

Yong claimed MBKS also did not repair collapsed drains promptly despite complaints from her and the affected residents, thus resulting in soil erosion and damage to private properties.

“Folk in Kuching South have suffered so much as a result of the council’s failure in maintainin­g and improving basic infrastruc­ture. Many of the complaints that I mentioned have been made known to MBKS, but MBKS chose to sit on it,” she said.

“Even the MBKS drainage upgrading project along the main road at Bintawa has come to a halt twice.

“MBKS can’t even handle a simple, small project like this diligently.”

Yong hoped Minister of Local Government Datuk Dr Sim Kui Hian could provide the answers in his winding-up speech.

“It is hoped that the ministry and MBKS can buck up.

“Do what you are tasked to do. Stop politickin­g and don’t blame the DAP for highlighti­ng the problems,” she said.

“I also hope that by next year, the MBKS mayor post can be helmed by someone who is more competent and who does not discrimina­te elected representa­tives from the opppositio­n.”

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