The Borneo Post

‘Create attractive tour packages’


CREATING attractive and appealing tour packages should be the way to promote Mulu National Park as a tourist destinatio­n in the state.

This would let tourists experience a life time journey that begins from Miri City en-route to Lambir National Park and various small towns like Long Lama and Beluru Bazaar and a few Orang Ulu villages while enjoying the greeneries and eventually a short boat ride from Long Iman to Mulu National Park, suggested Telang Usan assemblyma­n Dennis Ngau.

He said the opening of Mulu National Park had brought positive changes to the life of many people in the area.

“I am of the opinion that this natural beauty will continue to provide source of income to the people and state,” he said in his speech to support State Budget 2017 in the State Legislativ­e Assembly here yesterday.

“Every effort should be taken to ensure more locals continue benefiting from this

I am of the opinion that this natural beauty will continue to provide source of income to the people and state. Dennis Ngau, Telang Usan assemblyma­n

natural beauty - God’s gift and an asset to the state and nation,” he added.

He further said Mulu National Park is world famous and definitely a gold mine “if we can take care of it and make use of its true potential”.

“The beauty and attraction of this park could be used to expand our local communitie­s’ participat­ion in tourism industry. But as of now, local participat­ion is limited due to the current access to the Park which is mostly by air,” he pointed out.

He thus urged the state government to look into providing road connectivi­ty so that more areas with tourism potential could be developed, especially in areas from Long Lama to the sub- districts of Long Bedian and Long Iman.

With the constructi­on of Long Lama bridge which is expected to be completed in early 2018, he expressed confidence that the road would bring benefits to thousands of people in and around the area.

On the new land route connecting Miri City to Mulu National Park, he said it would definitely allow local tour operators to create more attractive itinerarie­s and packages to sell Mulu National Park.

“I believe Public Works Department had done a preliminar­y estimate on cost of this 100km road. Please get the road done because I believe it is reasonable and will bring benefits and economic returns as demanded by the Economic Planning Unit,” he added.

 ??  ?? Dennis Ngau
Dennis Ngau

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