The Borneo Post

Yong tells MBKS to continue Kenyalang Chinese New Year Market


PENDING assemblywo­man Violet Yong urged MBKS not to stop the operation of the Kenyalang Chinese New Year Market next year, but instead kick start preparatio­ns for it as soon as possible.

“It is alarming to learn that MBKS may stop the operation of Kenyalang Chinese New Year Market next year.

“Chinese New Year 2017 is barely two months away and there is still no clear directive from MBKS on their decision regarding the matter.

“Kenyalang Chinese New Year Market has been around for more than 20 years and it has since become one of the ‘must-go’ spots in Kuching to do Chinese New Year shopping.

“The lighting up of lanterns and deco items, coupled with Chinese New Year songs being played in the background, has added to the Chinese New Year mood when one visits the place. To many, going there is not so much of shopping but to indulge in the feelings of the festive season. It is also a popular spot for tourists,” she said in her debate on Budget 2017 yesterday.

Yong lamented that with no concrete decision from MBKS, the hawkers were in limbo.

“It is causing anxiety among them as most of them have already ordered their products to be put up for sale.

“They worry that if the Kenyalang Chinese New Year Market is stopped, they would lose the opportunit­y to make some extra earning through their hawking there.

“There were about 270 stalls annually taking part in the Kenyalang Chinese New Year Market, which lasted around three weeks. One can imagine the domino effect it brings to the livelihood of many if MBKS were to put a sudden stop to the event,” she said.

Yong also pointed out that the shop operators at Kenyalang Commercial Centre were also hoping for the Chinese New Year Market to continue.

“It will help to boost up their businesses and add life to the area.

“At the moment, the businesses at Kenyalang Commercial Centre have slowed down so much due to the severe economic downtown and effect from the six per cent goods and services tax.

“Many are finding it hard to make ends meet. Some of the shop owners whom I met had told me of their intention to end their businesses if their businesses do not pick up within the coming few months,” she said.

Yong lambasted Local Government Minister Datuk Dr Sim Kui Hian for announcing in one of his election campaigns that he would help to turn Kenyalang Commercial Centre into another ‘ Petaling Street’.

“He even boasted that he is close to the prime minister and all the funds to facelift the area had been made available and would soon be put to use to implement the plan as well as to upgrade certain basic infrastruc­ture at Kenyalang Commercial Centre.

“Up until today, not only that there is no Petaling Street in Kenyalang Park, there isn’t any improvemen­t made at all to revamp the area of Kenyalang Commercial Centre and its vicinity,” she said.

 ??  ?? Local Government Minister Datuk Dr Sim Kui Hian (seated second from right) speaks during a press conference at the State Legislativ­e Assembly (DUN) complex yesterday. With him are (seated from left) Assistant Minister for Rural Economy (Interior Areas)...
Local Government Minister Datuk Dr Sim Kui Hian (seated second from right) speaks during a press conference at the State Legislativ­e Assembly (DUN) complex yesterday. With him are (seated from left) Assistant Minister for Rural Economy (Interior Areas)...

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