The Borneo Post

NSJA members on a tour of Penang’s Cultural Heritage


PENANG: Eleven Northern Sarawak Journalist­s Associatio­n ( NSJA) members are now in Penang under the ` Experience George Town’ initiative organised by George Town World Heritage Incorporat­ed ( GTWHI) and Penang Global Tourism.

They flew to the ` Pearl of the Orient’ yesterday morning, led by their president Adrian Tang.

GTWHI general manager Lim Chooi Ping said this was the second year they played host to the press.

“It started last year, with first group from Malacca, and this year we host people from Miri, Sarawak,” she said at a luncheon for the participan­ts, which was also attended by Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng.

Chooi Ping said the primary objectives of the programme were to expose media practition­ers to the conservati­on work done on historical buildings in George Town and to create greater public awareness about George Town being a world heritage site.

George Town was listed under the category of Cultural Heritage by UNESCO World Heritage Committee on July 2008.

`Experience George Town’ is a three- day event, and the participan­ts would be taken to visit various places of interest, especially heritage buildings around the city.

Places they would be visiting include Heritage Site Walk, Chowrasta Market, Chew Jetty, Penang Hill and Penang Streets Art.

The participan­ts would also have the opportunit­y to ride on trishaws and thematic cycling around George Town.

 ??  ?? Tang (fifth right) hands over a souvenir to Lim Guan Eng. With them are Chooi Ping (third left) and NSJA members.
Tang (fifth right) hands over a souvenir to Lim Guan Eng. With them are Chooi Ping (third left) and NSJA members.

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