The Borneo Post (Sabah)

New soccer club in Sabah


KOTA KINABALU: The slogan ‘Tatap Kalaga’ which is popular among Tongod residents has inspired youth in the district to form a football club called Kalaga FC.

The club will be registered under the Sabah Football Associatio­n (Safa) within this year once the selection of players from various district and state level competitio­ns is completed.

“Once Kalaga FC is formed, the team is expected to grace the state football scene through the Safa Football League next season,” said the club sponsor, Datuk Masiung Banah, yesterday.

Masiung, who is Kuamut assemblyma­n, launched the new club based in East Coast at his residence in Jalan Ganang, Kepayan here.

Youth and Sports Ministry permanent secretary and his deputy William Ahlan as well as former Ranau member of parliament Datuk Ewon Ebin were among those present.

One of the club pioneers, Richin Jikah, Warga Tongod

Semenanjun­g (WATOS) deputy chairman Helton Simon as well as over 60 youth from Kuamut and Kota Kinabalu were present during the launching of the club.

“We will organise football league in Kuamut and other districts including Kota Kinabalu for the selection of players,” said Masiung.

According to him, about 60 players selected will be called up for the centralise­d training before finalising the best to don Kalaga FC colours.

A qualified coach and team manager will be appointed to guide Kalaga FC, who will be representi­ng Sabah East Coast in various state-level tournament­s.

The process of registerin­g the club led by Ronley Saringan, one of the pioneers, is currently in progress and is expected to be done early this year.

“Kalaga FC are set to give their strongest challenge in the state football scene,” said Masiung, who did not rule out recruiting local imports from Peninsular Malaysia to strengthen the team.

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