The Borneo Post (Sabah)

China targets frozen food imports over virus fears


BEIJING: Chinese health officials said yesterday that two coldchain storage workers in the port city of Tianjin were infected with Covid-19, as the country shifts focus to contaminat­ed imports after a number of outbreaks linked to frozen food.

Workers in hazmat suits were painstakin­gly screening food shipments across a country which has largely brought domestic infections under control but now blames a resurgence of local infections on imports.

Mass-testing campaigns have been rolled out after reports of coronaviru­s traces on imported food and packaging, with state TV showing workers hosing down food transport trucks with disinfecta­nt and inspecting packages of frozen salmon.

Two cities in southern Fujian province said yesterday they found traces of the virus in shipments of pomfret from India and beef from Argentina.

In Wuhan, where Covid-19 first emerged in late 2019, authoritie­s said last week they had detected the virus on frozen beef from Brazil, while several other cities reported positive test results on samples from imported food – including Argentinia­n pork and Indian cuttlefish.

Customs inspectors across the country have so far tested more than 800,000 samples from refrigerat­ed imports and suspended shipments from 99 overseas suppliers, customs official Bi Kexin told a press conference last week.

Authoritie­s have stepped up screening since coronaviru­s traces were found on equipment used to process imported salmon after a June outbreak.

In Tianjin, officials said the two infected workers “had previously both had contact with contaminat­ed cold-chain food products”.

Customs data in September showed that Chinese meat imports had increased by more than 70 per cent this year as the country’s food supply was disrupted by swine fever and heavy flooding which destroyed swathes of farmland.

The World Health Organisati­on (WHO) says “there is currently no evidence that people can catch Covid-19 from food or food packaging”.

Transmissi­on of Covid-19 across countries on frozen food is “possible but it has not been comprehens­ively studied so we do not know the extent of this spread”, Paul Tambyah, president of the Asia Pacific Society of Clinical Microbiolo­gy and Infection, told AFP.

China’s foreign ministry defended the measures as “very reasonable and legitimate”.

Screening has been ramped up after the outbreak in Tianjin was linked to food transport workers, sparking fears of a second wave of virus cases in the coming winter.

Earlier this month, China banned visitors from countries including the UK and India and raised testing requiremen­ts for other travellers.

State media has also ramped up claims that imported food could have been to blame for the initial Wuhan outbreak, where the virus was first linked to a seafood market.

Beijing insists that the source of the initial outbreak remains a mystery and that it may not have originated in China – a claim vigorously disputed by countries including the US and Australia.

The foreign ministry also floated a conspiracy theory that the American military may have brought the virus to Wuhan last year.

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