The Borneo Post (Sabah)

IFS Technology opens second EZYBOX outlet in Asia City


KOTA KINABALU: IFS Technology Sdn Bhd has opened its second EZYBOX, in Asia City complex here.

The launching ceremony of the 24-hour self service unmanned store was officiated by Luyang assemblyma­n Ginger Phoong on Sunday.

According to IFS technology directors Brandon Ansibin and Allen Tsang, the EZYBOX concept is the first of its kind in Malaysia and is the brainchild of the duo with another two friends.

He said that the four of them travelled to China and were exposed to the concept of a cashless society there. This led them to consider implementi­ng such a system in Sabah.

“We brainstorm­ed and came up with this idea. The result is the first EZYBOX which was opened in Riverson in August this year,” he said.

Allen disclosed that an EZYBOX reduces operating costs by more than half as it only requires a small space thus cheaper rent and there is no need to hire many staff.

“We bring convenienc­e to the public and expansion plans are in the works as we are currently looking at campuses of higher learning institutes, condominiu­ms, residentia­l areas and maybe shopping malls,” Brandon added.

While the merchandis­e sold currently are mostly imported snacks and drinks, there are plans to sell other products like clothing and grocery, he said.

This will depend on the market need, Brandon said explaining, for instance an EZYBOX in a residentia­l area may sell more fresh food, sundries and groceries than one in a shopping mall.

Allen also said that the AI system collects data for them on what is popular among the merchandis­e that they sell and using this informatio­n, they know what to continue selling and what to take off the shelves.

“Going cashless is a trend that is picking up globally which is why we are introducin­g it here so that Sabahans can catch up,” he said.

To access an EZYBOX, one just needs to scan a code and register through WeChat or access using a member card. Payment for merchandis­e can be done with Boost, Alipay and WeChat among others.

 ??  ?? Phoong (fourth left), Allen (third left), Brandon (right) and invited guests in front of the newly opened 24-hour self service unmanned store.
Phoong (fourth left), Allen (third left), Brandon (right) and invited guests in front of the newly opened 24-hour self service unmanned store.

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