The Borneo Post (Sabah)

Statement on Tawau water supply misunderst­ood – TMC


TAWAU: The Tawau Municipal Council (TMC) confirmed as false viral news that the water supply in the area was not clean.

Its president, Alijus Sipil, said during the TMC monthly meeting yesterday that the news was misinterpr­eted and shared by irresponsi­ble parties.

“What has gone viral is not true at all and we regret that this has caused a little impact on the people of Tawau who use clean water everyday,” he said when clarifying the matter after meeting with Tawau Water Department chief engineer Hamirul Arifin.

Alijus said in the previous TMC monthly meeting, it had touched on the problem of river water turbidity that could affect water production by the Water Department treatment plant.

However, the statement was misunderst­ood.

According to him, the clean water processed in this area is in compliance with ‘Malaysia Standard Drinking Water' as outlined by the government.

“Before reaching water consumers, clean water supply undergoes a rigorous filtering process,” he said, adding that clean water supply also received the attention of the Department of Health before and after treatment.

In this regard, he urged the parties concerned not to make statements without making a research with the relevant department­s first.

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