The Borneo Post (Sabah)

Siringan’s demise heartbreak­ing — Dompok


KOTA KINABALU: Former United Pasokmomog­un Kadazandus­un Murut Organisati­on (Upko) president Tan Sri Bernard Dompok was hearbroken after learning of the death of Resource Developmen­t and Informatio­n Technology Minister Datuk Siringan Gubat on Tuesday night.

“It is heartbreak­ing to hear of the very sad news that Datuk Siringan has been called to the Lord today,” Dompok, who is now the Malaysian Ambassador to Vatican City, said in a statement issued from Rome yesterday.

“He is well known for his humility, never someone who would hurt the feelings of others, and ever prepared to sacrifice his own career for the furtheranc­e of a common cause.

“He never promised what he could not deliver but would go the extra mile to deliver the best he could. That is the Siringan Gubat I knew for more than half my life,” Dompok said.

He said: “No words can describe the sense of loss upon the departure of a true friend but I take comfort in knowing that he is ready to meet Him.”

To Datin Rosalind and all the children, you had a husband and a father who you can forever be proud of, he added.

“We are with you at this difficult time and join you in prayers in Rome.”

Siringan, who was also Upko deputy president, passed away at the Gleneagles hospital at 10.57 pm on Tuesday. He was 68

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