The Borneo Post (Sabah)

Ministry to create 1,000 online entreprene­urs


KOTA KINABALU: The Industrial Developmen­t Ministry aims to create 1,000 online entreprene­urs within a year from now.

Its minister, Datuk Seri Panglima Raymond Tan Shu Kiah, said it was the objective of the government to produce more digital entreprene­urs.

Raymond, who was speaking at the digital economy seminar entitled “Championin­g Sabah’s Digital Economy” at a resort near here yesterday, said the world was now in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 (R4.0) era which integrated the world of digital and reality/physical.

His ministry has also continued to focus on Small and Medium Enterprise­s (SMEs) in Sabah, he added.

“This year, my ministry will start our focus on the developmen­t of digital economy, which is a continuity of the developmen­t of SMEs,” said Raymond.

He added that the number of SMEs had risen from 40,931 in the year 2010 to 55,702 in 2015.

“This proves that the people of Sabah have begun to generate employment that are significan­t to the socio-economic developmen­t of our state,” he pointed out.

He also said that the state government, under the leadership of Chief Minister Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Haji Aman, had allocated no less than RM10 million to his ministry annually to help SMEs, particular­ly those who were still at the micro level.

Also launched yesterday was, a website by the Shared Services and Outsourcin­g Centre (SSO) that markets local Sabahan products online.

“This is the start where we will develop and promote products and services in Sabah online or through e-Dagang (e-trade),” said Raymond.

He also added that online business was suitable for all levels of the community.

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