The Borneo Post (Sabah)

Catalan parliament meets as sacked leader seeks comeback


BARCELONA: Catalonia’s parliament met yesterday for the first time since it was dissolved following a failed bid to break from Spain in a session that will see separatist­s start the process to get sacked regional leader Carles Puigdemont back into power.

Pro-independen­ce parties are in the majority after winning regional elections on Dec 21 called by Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy to try and put an end to a secession crisis that shook the region of 7.5 million people, Spain and Europe.

With 70 out of 135 deputies, they should in theory have the necessary votes to nominate a separatist president.

Their favoured candidate is Puigdemont, sacked by Rajoy along with his cabinet on Oct 27 after the regional parliament declared unilateral independen­ce, and who is in selfimpose­d exile in Belgium.

Late on Tuesday, the two largest pro-independen­ce parties said they had agreed to nominate him as their candidate.

The new parliament opened at 11am (1000 GMT) and lawmakers will vote for a new parliament­ary speaker and his or her deputies.

Separatist­s will attempt to get a majority of their supporters elected to these key positions as they will subsequent­ly decide whether Puigdemont and others are allowed to be lawmakers remotely.

But their majority remains theoretica­l, with three of the 70 deputies being held in prison as they are probed for rebellion, sedition and misuse of public funds for their role in the failed independen­ce bid.

Five others are abroad, including Puidgemont who risks arrest on the same charges if he comes back to Spain.

To be elected president, he should in theory be present at the parliament­ary session where the vote to name a new leader takes place, but he wants to appear by videolink or write a speech and have it read by someone else.

The Catalan parliament’s rules stipulate that the candidate for the regional presidency must “present his or her government programme to parliament.”

It does not detail whether this must be done in person, but several legal experts, the opposition and the central government insist it cannot be done remotely.

Rajoy’s government has warned Madrid will maintain direct control over Catalonia if Puigdemont attempts to govern from Belgium.

Madrid’s direct rule has proven very unpopular in a region that had enjoyed considerab­le autonomy before its leaders attempted to break away from Spain.

According to Economy Minister Luis de Guindos, the secession crisis that kicked off on Oct 1 when Catalan leaders held an independen­ce referendum despite a court ban has taken its financial toll.

He has said the crisis has slowed economic growth in the region at an estimated cost of one billion euros (US$1.2 billion).

More than 3,000 companies have moved their legal headquarte­rs out of the region as uncertaint­y persists. — AFP

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 ??  ?? People hold a banners reading ‘Free political prisoners’ depicting an image of Catalan separatist leader Jordi Cuixart in Barcelona. — AFP photo
People hold a banners reading ‘Free political prisoners’ depicting an image of Catalan separatist leader Jordi Cuixart in Barcelona. — AFP photo

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