The Borneo Post (Sabah)

Stop-work order over breaches

- By Elton Gomes

A construcio­n site in kolombong was ordered to stop work temporaril­y by CiDB ater sub-contractor­s were found to have breached Act 520 (amendment 2011).

KOTA KINABALU: An ongoing constructi­on site in Kolombong has been ordered to stop work temporaril­y by the Constructi­on Industry Developmen­t Board (CIDB) after three sub-contractor­s involved were found to have breached Act 520 (amendment 2011).

CIDB (Sabah) director Hj Sharifudin Che Omar said the offences included failure to register any constructi­on works with CIDB.

“Inspection also revealed that some 100 constructi­on workers have not registered with CIDB, an offence under Sub-Section 33.

“We have, therefore, ordered the contractor­s to cease work temporaril­y until investigat­ion is completed,” he said when met at the constructi­on site in Kolombong yesterday during an integrated operation carried out together with the Kota Kinabalu City Hall, the Immigratio­n Department, Occupation­al Safety and Health Department, the Labour Department, the Health Department and the Malaysia Constructi­on Academy.

Sharifudin said yesterday’s operation focused on offences committed by sub-contractor­s for not registerin­g with CIDB and not possessing the CIDB ‘green card’, and payment of levy under Sub-Section 34.

“The purpose of such operation is to educate all constructi­on and industry players to comply with the legal requiremen­ts and SOP at constructi­on sites, especially under Act 520 (amendment 2011).

“The operation also aims to ensure all constructi­on works reach the health and safety level set by CIDB including profession­alism in carrying out their work at constructi­on sites in the country.

“We, therefore, hope all industry players will comply with the rules establishe­d under Act 520 (amendment 2011) to ensure quality, level of safety and health in the constructi­on industry can be improved,” he said.

Meanwhile, Sharifudin said about 640 projects had been registered with CIDB in Sabah in 2013, followed by 460 projects in 2014 and 472 projects in 2015.

“For the record, Sabah is the second biggest in Malaysia in the number of registered contractor­s of about 11,000, second to only Selangor with 12,000 registered contractor­s,” he said, adding that there were currently 1,500 ongoing projects in the state.

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 ??  ?? CIDB officers checking documents of constructi­on workers during the operation yesterday.
CIDB officers checking documents of constructi­on workers during the operation yesterday.
 ??  ?? An Immigratio­n officer checking the document of a constructi­on worker at the site in Kolombong yesterday.
An Immigratio­n officer checking the document of a constructi­on worker at the site in Kolombong yesterday.
 ??  ?? Sharifudin

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