The Borneo Post (Sabah)

Syria peace talks to tackle political transition as violence surges


GENEVA: Talks to end Syria’s five-year conflict resumed in Geneva Wednesday, with the UN mediator vowing to tackle the thorny issue of a political transition, as surging violence threatened a fragile truce.

Adding to the tensions, Syrians in government-controlled areas voted Wednesday in parliament­ary elections not recognised by the United Nations or by President Bashar al-Assad’s main opponents.

In Geneva, UN Syria envoy Staffan de Mistura said he planned to engage the parties in concrete discussion­s about how to move the war-ravaged country towards a change of government.

“We are going to go deeper and deeper into the issue of political transition,” de Mistura told reporters after a first meeting with the main opposition High Negotiatio­ns Committee (HNC).

The UN-brokered talks in Geneva are aimed at forming a transition­al government and a new constituti­on followed by general elections to end a conflict that has killed more than 270,000 people and displaced half of the country’s population.

Moving beyond the broad principles discussed during previous rounds of indirect talks to concrete proposals towards political change will likely be challengin­g.

Assad’s fate remains a major stumbling block, with Damascus until now maintainin­g that even discussing the issue of his departure is off limits.

It remains to be seen if the regime delegation, which has been delayed due to the parliament­ary vote and is only set to meet with de Mistura on Friday, will agree to broach the subject.

But HNC delegation chief Assad al-Zoabi struck an upbeat note on the chances of progress, telling reporters after Wednesday’s meeting that “we hope that during this round we can reach an agreement on political transition.”

In a bid to shore up support for his agenda, de Mistura has in recent days travelled to Damascus, where he met Foreign Minister Walid Muallem, and also met key Assad allies in Moscow and Tehran.

“They all indicated interest and support actually in the progress of a political discussion aiming at a political transition,” he said, adding that “even Damascus agreed on the fact that this was the agenda.”

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told reporters in

We are going to go deeper and deeper into the issue of political transition. Staffan de Mistura, UN mediator

Moscow the new round of talks was important, and would allow the parties to discuss the new constituti­on “and how they see the structure that will ensure a peaceful transition towards a new system.”

But the start of the talks were clouded by a surge in violence in recent days has threatened a landmark ceasefire that took effect on Feb 27.

The partial truce brokered by Moscow and Washington had raised hopes for a resolution to the conflict, by bringing about a significan­t drop in civilian deaths and allowing increased aid deliveries.

But humanitari­an access has recently slowed again to a crawl, and escalating fighting in northern Aleppo province, parts of Hama province and Damascus has sparked alarm.

More than 100 troops, pro-regime militia, jihadists and rebels have been killed in four days of fierce fighting along a strategic front in Syria’s Aleppo province, the Syrian Observator­y for Human Rights said.

Jihadists like those from alNusra and the Islamic State group are excluded from the ceasefire.

But in some areas, al-Nusra is allied with rebel forces meant to be covered by the truce. — AFP

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Staffan de Mistura

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