The Borneo Post (Sabah)

Indonesia turns to China as ethnic Uighurs join would-be jihadist


JAKARTA: Indonesian authoritie­s are working with their counterpar­ts in China to stem a flow of ethnic Uighur militants seeking to join Islamist jihadists in the world’s most populous Muslim country, Indonesia’s counter-terrorism chief said.

Saud Usman Nasution’s comments come amid mounting concern in Indonesia about possible attacks by sympathise­rs of the Islamic State group and follows the arrest of 13 men across the island of Java, including a Muslim Uighur with a suicidebom­b vest.

The appearance among Indonesian militant networks of Uighurs, who come from the Xinjiang region in far-western China, is likely to add to Beijing’s concerns that exiles will return to their homeland as experience­d and trained jihadists.

China says Islamist militants and separatist­s operate in energyrich Xinjiang on the borders of central Asia, where violence has killed hundreds in recent years.

Rights groups say much of the unrest can be traced back to frustratio­n at controls over the Uighurs’ culture and religion, and that most of those who leave are only fleeing repression not seeking to wage jihad. China denies repressing rights.

Nasution, who heads the National Counter-Terrorism Agency, told Reuters in an interview on Tuesday that several Uighurs had responded to a call last year by Santoso, Indonesia’s most high-profile backer of Islamic State, to join his band of fighters. Islamic State and human traffickin­g networks helped them travel via Myanmar, Thailand and Malaysia to Santoso’s hideout in an equatorial jungle of eastern Indonesia, he said.

However, the would-be suicide bomber arrested on Dec 23 was hiding in a house just outside the capital, Jakarta.

“We are cooperatin­g with China and investigat­ing evidence such as ATM cards and cellphones,” Nasution said, adding that an Indonesian team went to China to interview members of the man’s family, who would not confirm that they were related to him.

There was no immediate comment from China’s foreign ministry on whether Beijing is collaborat­ing with Indonesia.

“As far as China is concerned, these people are running off, some of them taking part in jihad and planning to strike back,” said Pan Zhiping, a terrorism expert at the Xinjiang Academy of Social Sciences.

“Of course we must stop them. I believe, in terms of jointly guarding against extremism, it is necessary that we cooperate.”

Bilveer Singh of the Rajaratnam School of Internatio­nal Studies in Singapore said the direct involvemen­t of Chinese Uighurs in Southeast Asian militancy added ‘an external dimension to the existing home-grown terrorist threat’.

“It could also complicate ties with a rising China, which may want to play a bigger counterter­rorism role in the region,” Singh said in a Eurasia Review article. Indonesia’s security forces have given Santoso, who styles himself as the commander of the Islamic State army in Indonesia, until Jan 9 to surrender along with his force of about 40 men on the far-flung island of Sulawesi.

However, security analysts believe a larger threat is emerging across the populous island of Java as networks of support for Islamic State grow. — Reuters

 ??  ?? Saud gestures during an interview at his office in Bogor. — Reuters photo
Saud gestures during an interview at his office in Bogor. — Reuters photo

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