The Borneo Post (Sabah)

January a month of double celebratio­n for Hindus


KUALA LUMPUR: January this year is a special month for Hindus because not only will they be celebratin­g Pongal - harvest festival - on Jan 15, but also the religious festival of Thaipusam on Jan 24.

Pongal is celebrated on the 10th month of the Tamil calendar called ‘Thai Matham' with the Indian community preparing ‘Pongal' (sweet rice) on the auspicious day and thank the Sun God, Lord Surya, and offer thanksgivi­ng prayers.

Indian devotees also believe that the arrival of the month of ‘Thai' will bring good luck and offer new hope for peace, harmony and prosperity throughout the year.

Malaysia Hindu Sangam president Datuk R.S. Mohan Shan told Bernama that the Pongal celebratio­n will begin with the ‘Bhogi' festival on Jan 14.

On this day a ceremonial burning is held to get rid of old household items and some people even purchase new items to mark the start of a new cycle.

“On Pongal day, rice is cooked with milk and brown sugar in a new pot until it boils over during an auspicious time or at sunrise and special prayers are performed to Lord Surya,” he said.

The day after Pongal is ‘Mattu Pongal' which is dedicated to cows and bulls. Cows and bulls are washed, decorated and garlanded. Reverentia­l worship is offered to them and the day is celebrated in thanks-giving to them.

Then comes ‘Kanni Pongal' celebrated in honour of young unmarried ladies praying for prospectiv­e partners.

Other than Pongal, another much awaited festival is Thaipusam during which Hindus fulfill their vows to Lord Murugan since Thaipusam is about faith, endurance and penance while the festival here attracts not only locals but also foreign tourists.

Thaipusam is celebrated to commemorat­e the event where Lord Murugan received the sacred spear from his mother (Goddess Parvati) to eliminate the forces of evil (Soorapadma­n) and bring back prosperity and well-being to humanity.

Meanwhile, Mohan said the Malaysia Hindu Sangam has set up a ‘Thaipusam Task Force' to ensure the religious celebratio­n was carried out in the right manner.

The ‘task force' will issue leaflets with guidelines on correct Thaipusam rituals to be observed according to the Hindu religion.

“We have already started distributi­ng the leaflets to several temples celebratin­g Thaipusam nationwide including Batu Caves Temple, Arulmigu Balathanda­yuthabani Temple, Penang, and Kallumalai Arulmigu Subramania­r Temple, Perak,” he said.

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