The Borneo Post (Sabah)

Shahrom surpasses two-thirds of exploratio­n journey


KUALA LUMPUR: National solo explorer, Shahrom Abdullah has surpassed two-thirds of the South Pole expedition journey after skiing for 27 days in the Malaysian Seven Contingent­s Exploratio­n Club (KE7B) South Pole All The Way Expedition.

KE7B South Pole Expedition 2015 adviser Datuk Akmar Hisham Mohd Yusof said Shahrom had covered a distance of over 630 km in the last 27 days without any problems.

“Thank God, I received informatio­n that Shahrom has surpassed two-thirds of the South Pole expedition and this is a good indication that Shahrom will complete the mission successful­ly. I hope Malaysians will pray that Shahrom remains in good shape right to the end,” he said in a statement here, yesterday.

Akmar said Shahrom had only about 300 km to go to reach the zero degree point of the South Pole which had been set as the destinatio­n to complete the mission.

Shahrom is now consistent­ly skiing between 25 to 28 km a day in between a one kilometre walking routine and resting for 10 minutes while taking turns at the driver's position with two other explorers from the United Kingdom and Jordan, said Akmar.

“On Dec 24, Shahrom arrived at the food supply collection point to replenish his food stock for the rest of the expedition.

So far, Shahrom had only one day rest on Dec 25 in conjunctio­n with Christmas holiday.

“Shahrom started his expedition on Dec 10 after two weeks delay as weather did not permit flights from Union Glacier to Messner Inlet,” said Akmar. - Bernama

Shahrom, a national extreme sports athlete is currently on a 60-day mission across the South Pole on ski over 1,000km from Messner Inlet to the zero degree point.

If he successful­ly completes the mission, Shahrom will be creating a record as the first Malaysian to cross the Antartica continent by skiing 1,000km. Bernama

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