New Straits Times

What You Do Not Know About Resilience


RESILIENCE! It’s a new norm and everyone is to embrace it through resilience, agility... you name it, and believe me the list can go on for you to thrive. Yes, this is the answer to embrace the unknown. Everyone should be resilient! We need to/have to/should be practicing this new norm.

So, what does resilience really mean? These are my practices as a coach, for your reading and also practise as you go along. I truly believe the following and it has helped me to stay resilient!

• Empowermen­t (Cause & Effect)

Yes! It is about empowermen­t. Have I empowered myself to make things happen?

To begin with, I need to be at CAUSE? What does it mean by to be at CAUSE? It simply means, I do not point finger at anyone or any situation but instead ask myself these:

What needs to happen now?

What CAN I do about it?

How CAN I do it differentl­y?

When (very important else it will end up just a thought) CAN I do it?

Who CAN I accountabl­e for?

(It is always good to have someone who can hold you accountabl­e. Someone who holds the same values as you.)

As coach: You may turn it around to work with your client.

• Perception is Projection

Everyone has stress, too little will be boring. Too much or too great will of course do more harm.

What runs inside me will be reflected on the outside.

What is my perception towards what is happening around me?

You may be pretending you are totally alright but your physiology will somehow show or unconsciou­sly your words somehow will reveal what is running inside you. So, for everybody’s sake (Part of EQ includes how to manage what is inside you as it will somehow have impact on others) how would it be if you can just be honest with yourself and talk with someone (mentor/coach) to sort out what is not working inside you and work on it.

How can I can reframe and change my perspectiv­e towards what is going on?

• Responsibi­lity of change and value

Whose responsibi­lity is this?

Change is inevitable and is it the only constant but how is it that we are to be responsibl­e for it and many times we hope someone else would. I always relate to this analogy, when you brought home a blender for a simple reason that is to have better diet and it is of good values. But when the blender sat in the cabinet for long, what does that mean?

I love Atomic Habit – Tiny Change Remarkable result. One per cent at a day you will move forward 300 per cent in a year.

• Beliefs

When something not working for me, I first check my BELIEF.

Check your belief on change. Check your belief on uncertaint­y. Check also your belief about yourself! Your beliefs have a lot to do with how to response or react to situation. The following quote sums it all!

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t — you’re right.” Henry Ford

Notice your beliefs that is empowering you and notice also the opposite. Go on take a piece of paper and write them down.

Now ask yourself which of the empowering beliefs you have can help you or support you to overcome the dis-empowering ones.

• The Mind Body Connection

Remember your mind and body form one system that is YOU and one and only YOU.

As a coach, I have always been reminded, COACH THE PERSON, NOT THE ISSUE.

The above just bring you the fundamenta­l of RESILENCE: Your ability to remain flexible, positive, productive and take charge to recover in the midst of ambiguity and uncertaint­y. (A definition from LHH’s sharing about Resilience)

ACTION speaks all, I always like the old direct and simple saying. Never do never know!

You may not know before but you know now RESILIENCE is all within you and YOU CAN DECIDE where to start, how to start and when to ACT.

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