New Straits Times


Youth revving their bike engines at night drive 35-year-old over the edge


FIVE men were injured when they were stabbed by a neighbour at Kampung Jenderam Hulu, Dengkil, yesterday. Sepang police chief Assistant Commission­er Abdul Aziz Ali said police were alerted at 12.48am.

He said the victims, aged between 15 and 48, including a father and his son, were sent to Serdang Hospital.

“Investigat­ions revealed that the suspect, 35, had been complainin­g to his wife since five years ago that his neighbours were noisy, especially at night.

“He had asked his neighbour’s friends to go home but they ignored him.”

He said the suspect felt challenged by the behaviour and attitude of his neighbours, who were revving their motorcycle­s’ engines late at night.

He said the suspect lost his patience and allegedly went to his neighbour’s house with two knives. An argument broke out and he allegedly stabbed them.

“The suspect fled the scene and efforts to locate him are ongoing,” he said, adding that the case was being investigat­ed under Section 326 of the Penal Code for voluntaril­y causing grievous hurt using dangerous weapons.

One of the victims, Wan Alif Azril Mohd Zamri, 18, said the suspect threatened him with a parang a few months ago.

“He was angry with us for gathering in front of my friend’s house, which is located next to his house.

“He placed the parang on my neck and told me that if we ever gathered there again, we will be killed,” he said at the hospital yesterday.

He said the suspect stabbed him first.

“He went back to his house after he told me to go home. Five minutes later, he came out with two knives.

“When I turned around to get on my motorcycle to leave, I felt a sharp pain in my back. That’s when I realised I had been stabbed.”

Another victim, Muhammad Syahid Mohd Fadhillah, 18, said the suspect had allegedly threatened to get them if the incident was reported to the police.

“After the incident, he said he would hunt us down if we lodge a report. He was holding two knives. I was stabbed in the back while trying to flee.”

 ?? PIC BY AHMAD IRHAM MOHD NOOR ?? Bloodstain­s outside the victims’ house in Kampung Jenderam Hulu, Dengkil, where the attack took place.
PIC BY AHMAD IRHAM MOHD NOOR Bloodstain­s outside the victims’ house in Kampung Jenderam Hulu, Dengkil, where the attack took place.

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