New Straits Times


Armed forces head says it will target national security issues facing Asia


THE 16th edition of the Defence Services Asia Exhibition and Conference (DSA), to be held next month, will see the introducti­on of a new segment — the National Security Asia (Natsec Asia) exhibition.

Armed Forces chief General Tan Sri Raja Mohamed Affandi Raja Mohamed Noor said the segment would target national security issues facing Asia.

This, he said, was significan­t as it would have a big impact on the importance of DSA, which was a collaborat­ion between the defence and home ministries.

“With the new segment, there will be greater interactio­n between defence forces and security agencies, such as the police, in the effort to boost national security. It will aid in strengthen­ing relationsh­ips between the security forces of various nations, and the nations themselves.”

Raja Affandi said this at a live broadcast of TV3’s Malaysia Hari Ini at Sri Pentas here yesterday, where he was a guest, alongside Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Mohamad Fuzi Harun.

He said another feature of DSA, which would be held from April 16 to 19, was the Women in Defence Forum.

“The forum will have female panel members, who are successful in the field of defence and security.”

He said other events at DSA were the Chief of Army Roundtable Talk, the Chemical, Biological, Radiologic­al and Nuclear Explosives Forum, as well as the Putrajaya 2018 Forum.

Meanwhile, Fuzi said the exhibition would provide police the opportunit­y to hold talks with police chiefs of other countries.

“This will give us the opportunit­y to discuss issues, including cross-border crime and terrorism.”

He said the attendance of more than 100 firms at Natsec Asia would benefit local companies as local defence and security industry players could hold talks with their foreign counterpar­ts.

 ?? PIC BY ZUNNUR AL SHAFIQ ?? Armed Forces chief General Tan Sri Raja Mohamed Affandi Raja Mohamed Noor (centre) and InspectorG­eneral of Police Tan Sri Mohamad Fuzi Harun (right) during TV3’s Malaysia Hari Ini in Seri Pentas, Petaling Jaya, yesterday.
PIC BY ZUNNUR AL SHAFIQ Armed Forces chief General Tan Sri Raja Mohamed Affandi Raja Mohamed Noor (centre) and InspectorG­eneral of Police Tan Sri Mohamad Fuzi Harun (right) during TV3’s Malaysia Hari Ini in Seri Pentas, Petaling Jaya, yesterday.

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