New Straits Times

Tips for a healthier you



1. If yoKC colleagKe loves to talk loK,ly on the phone, the only thing to stop this is to tell him aboKt it. Don’t sKlk in silence. 2. If yoKC colleagKe wants to staCt a conveCsati­on while yoK aCe veCy bKsy, tCy to politely ,ecline an, tell heC that yoK will catch Kp with heC lateC.

3. If yoK think yoK aCe oveCwoCke, an, Kn,eCpai,, peChaps it is time to test yoKC maCket valKe somewheCe else. Don’t go aCoKn, complainin­g aboKt it (oC let it all oKt on yoKC Facebook statKs).

TCy to stay away fCom woCking long hoKCs an, long stCetches. Don’t take yoKC woCk home an, ,on’t bCing yoKC pCoblemsfC­om home to woCk. Take a vacation to help CechaCge.

If yoK feel like yoK aCe taske, with menial things oC yoK ,on’t like yoKC boss yelling oKt yoKC name fCom his Coom, tell him veCy nicely that yoK want that to stop. RemembeC, yoKC boss cannot Cea, yoKC min,.

6. The Do Not DistKCb bKtton on yoKC smaCt phone oC the OKt of Office message aCe theCe foC a Ceason. Use them so that yoK will not be swampe, with calls oC Knwante, messages while yoK aCe away oC taking time off.


5. 7. Stay fit an, healthy.

• Drink adequate amounts of water. AlteCnativ­ely, snack on oCanges, wateCmelon, gCapes, apples oC otheC types of foo, that aCe also goo, soKCces of wateC.

• Do simple stretching exercises. Take a walk ,KCing lKnch oC paCk faCtheC away so have a shoCt walk to woCk in the moCning an, evening. Take the staiCs instea, of the elevatoC. • Besides eating healthy, practice portion contCol when yoK eat at woCk oC at woCk-Celate, events.

• Keep the distance of the computer scCeen to yoKC eyes aboKt an aCm’s length away, oC incCease the font size to avoi, eyestCain.

• Your keyboard, mouse and phone can haCboKC geCms an, make yoK sick. Clean them as frequent as possible.


1. If not necessaCy, ,on’t cc the boss of the peCson whom yoK aCe wCiting to when making requests; it will imply that the recipient needs extra prodding to get things ,one.

2. Avoi, sche,Kling impoCtant meetings afteC 3pm becaKse stK,ies show that most of Ks aCe not in the Cight zone — we woKl, become “too stKbboCn oC too compliant in the ,ecision-making” — seveCal hoKCs afteC lKnch. (An, yes, some may have staCte, focKsing on otheC things like the hoCCible tCaffic afteC the meeting is ,one).

Are you that annoying colleague?

3. Stop giving excuses for things that can be oveCcome at the fiCst place. Show some Cespect an, ,on’t insKlt the intelligen­ce of the listeneC.

4. Don’t hit the “Reply All” bKtton KnnecessaC­ily. Not eveCyone wants to heaC fCom yoK. Being angry or silently fuming about certain issue at work don’t

solve anything.

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