New Straits Times

Keeping research relevant


Local researcher­s honoured at Malaysia’s Rising Star Award

THE role of research at universiti­es is crucial not only in developing academic systems but also for Malaysia to be a part of the global knowledge society.

For Professor Dr Lee Keat Teong from Universiti Sains Malaysia, one of the five Malaysia’s Rising Star Award (MRSA) Young Researcher recipients for 2016, being cited from his published papers by peers means that his research is relevant for other researcher­s working on their own experiment­al work.

He said: “This also indicates that the education system in Malaysia is capable of producing researcher­s that are on a par, if not better, with researcher­s from world-renowned institutio­ns.”

Lee, 39, has published papers in the field of biofuel, specifical­ly biodiesel and bioethanol. Both are renewable fuel with biodiesel being used to run trucks and buses, and bioethanol to run cars. “You need to look at the positive side and be more creative and innovative in conducting research work to get the best results out of the resources and facilities made available, especially in the current unfavourab­le economical situation,” he said.

He added that the USM management right from the vice-chancellor to the deputy vice-chancellor­s and deans have been supportive in creating an ambience that allowed him and his research team to achieve what he has achieved today.

“I like what our VC, Professor Datuk Dr Asma Ismail has been advocating, that is to ‘co-learn’ with our fellow colleagues and collaborat­ors all over the world and to be more creative and innovative in carrying out a research project,” said Lee, who is also the USM Research Creativity and Management Office (RCMO) director and USM Internatio­nal Collaborat­ions Office director.

Lee was also recently listed as one of the four Most Cited Researcher­s in the Shanghai Academic Ranking of World Universiti­es 2016 by Subjects in the field of energy science and engineerin­g.

On his greatest challenge after this, Lee said that he wanted to translate his research achievemen­ts into something useful that can benefit the industry and society.

He is working on deriving renewable energy from algae which he hoped will be an alternativ­e source of energy to the current energy obtained from fossil fuels.

Lee hopes his achievemen­t would serve as a motivation and encouragem­ent to other researcher­s in his university.

“The award is also a great acknowledg­ement and recognitio­n to many parties that have contribute­d to this win, especially my postgradua­te students, mentor, colleagues and the university.”

Aimed to encourage Malaysians to continue their groundbrea­king research in their respective fields and advance global science, the Young Researcher Award category was presented recently by Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) to researcher­s below 40 years old who produced the world’s top five per cent most cited articles.

Their scientific scholarly output are based on citations of their published research papers in quality internatio­nal journals as indexes in Web of Science (from Clarivate Analytics) and Scopus (from Elsevier).

Apart from the Young Researcher award, four other awards — Frontier Researcher Award, Highly Cited Review Award, Women in Science Award and Internatio­nal Collaborat­ion Award — were presented in a ceremony held in Putrajaya recently.

Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh who presented the awards said in his speech that focused and strategic cooperatio­n is essential in order to increase the level of skills and research expertise to produce quality graduates.

He said collegiali­ty and cooperatio­n in education and research are capable of strengthen­ing and adding value to a country’s modernity and progress. AWARDS BY CLARIVATE ANALYTICS

• Frontier Researcher

Professor Dr Zainal Salam — Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Professor Dr Ahmad Fauzi Ismail — Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Professor Dr Ishak Ahmad — Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Professor Dr Jinap Selamat — Universiti Putra Malaysia

Dr Che Hang Seng — University of Malaya

• Young Researcher

Professor Ir Dr Sharifah Rafidah — Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Professor Dr Lee Keat Teong — Universiti Sains Malaysia

Assoc Professor Dr Lim Hong Ngee — Universiti Putra Malaysia Dr Ong Hwai Chyuan — University of Malaya

Dr Huang Nay Ming — University of Malaya

• Highly Cited Review

Professor Datuk Ir Dr Wan Ramli — Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Professor Ir Dr Siti Kartom — Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Professor Dr Wan Saime Wan Ngah — Universiti Sains Malaysia Professor Ir Dr Mohd Ali Hashim — University of Malaya


• Women In Science

Professor Ir Dr Zahira Yaakob — Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Professor Dr Azah Mohamed — Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Assoc Professor Dr Suzana Yusup — Universiti Teknologi Petronas

• Internatio­nal Collaborat­ion

Professor Dr Nasrudin Abd Rahim — University of Malaya Professor Dr Sulaiman Wadi Harun — University of Malaya Professor Dr Mohd Rafi Yusop — Universiti Putra Malaysia



• Reuters 75: Asia’s Most Innovative Universiti­es Universiti Putra Malaysia

University of Malaya

• Malaysia’s Highly Cited Researcher Named Amongst The World’s Most Influentia­l Scientific Minds 2015

Professor Datuk Ir Dr Wan Ramli — Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Professor Ir Dr Siti Kartom — Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Professor Dr Bassim H Hameed — Universiti Sains Malaysia

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