New Straits Times

Protecting our water sources


IN an interview with New Sunday Times, its minister, Datuk Seri Dr Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar, says that the frustratio­n of millions of consumers over poor water supply management and pollution of the resource must be addressed with the greatest political will. a 50m buffer zone or more, and cottage industries’ buffer zones can be around 10m or less.

By enforcing this, it will prevent pollution to the environmen­t. throughout the country. Shutting down a water treatment plant is solely the decision of the operator. Furthermor­e, some of the technology used by the operators are outdated.

The criteria and parameters used by the operators to shut down the plants have to be reviewed too. In the case of Semenyih, the detection of the odour must be specified first. Operators must ensure the parameters of odours that could lead to the shutdown of the water treatment plant.

The shutdown process cannot depend solely on the presence of odours without identifyin­g the type of smell. Odour analysis should follow the provisions of the new guidelines. waste before disposing them accordingl­y.

This is easy for the authoritie­s to monitor waste disposal activity.

ACTION: Exasperate­d by the inaction of state authoritie­s in preserving water sources under their purview, the natural resources and environmen­t minister tells the ministry is flexing its muscles to tackle the problem

an emergency.

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 ??  ?? Datuk Seri Dr Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar
Datuk Seri Dr Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar
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