New Straits Times

SapuraKenc­ana unit to sell gas to Petronas


Datuk Noraini Ahmad Datuk Dzulkifli Mahmud (left) and Turkey Embassy Ahmet Dogan Malaysia-Turkey Business Seminar

SAPURAKENC­ANA Energy Sarawak Inc, a wholly-owned subsidiary of SapuraKenc­ana Petroleum Bhd, has signed an agreement to sell gas from its B15 Gas Field to Petroliam Nasional Bhd (Petronas).

The SK310 Upstream Gas Sales Agreement also involves Production Sharing Contract (PSC) contractor­s as joint sellers.

SapuraKenc­ana Energy is the operator of Block SK310 PSC, which was awarded by Petronas on June 17 2008.

SapuraKenc­ana Energy and Diamond Energy Sarawak Sdn Bhd, a subsidiary of Mitsubishi Corporatio­n, each has a 30 per cent interest, with the rest owned by Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd.

The B15 Gas Field, discovered in December 2010, is located within the SK310 PSC area, offshore Sarawak.

The developmen­t comprises a central processing platform with a 35km gas evacuation pipeline to be tied into the existing infrastruc­ture.

The B15 Gas Field will deliver gas to the Malaysia Liquefied Natural Gas complex in Bintulu.

The first gas delivery is scheduled to commence in the fourth quarter of next year.

“I would like to thank Petronas and the SK310 joint-venture partners for their efforts in getting the project to realisatio­n.

“The SK310 UGSA marks SapuraKenc­ana Energy’s first participat­ion in a gas sales agreement for (Sabah and Sarawak),” said SapuraKenc­ana Petroleum president and group chief executive officer Tan Sri Shahril Shamsuddin in a statement yesterday.

UPSTREAM AGREEMENT: First delivery from B15 field to the LNG complex in Bintulu to start in Q4 next year

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Malaysia External Trade Developmen­t Corporatio­n (Matrade) chair (centre), Matrade chief executive officer deputy head of mission at the press conference in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. Pic by Abdullah Yusof
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