Macau Daily Times




Mar. 21-Apr. 19

Negotiate a lucrative deal. Profitable opportunit­ies develop through communicat­ion and social networking. Prepare and research behind the scenes.


May. 21-Jun. 21

Put extra effort into planning and organizati­on to adapt with recent changes. Avoid noise or crowds. Find a peaceful spot to consider possibilit­ies.


Jul. 23-Aug. 22

Profession­al opportunit­ies are ripening. Let prospects develop naturally. Maintain your responsibi­lities. Don’t worry about the future.


Sep.23-oct. 22

Collaborat­e for shared gain. Share thoughts, priorities and dreams. Together, you can resolve a financial challenge. Fortune benefits your joint venture. Listen and learn.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Focus on health and fitness objectives. Surrender excess baggage. Practice builds strength. Nurture yourself with what your body needs now. Prepare for high performanc­e.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Domestic modificati­ons have your focus. Fortune follows commitment, especially with renovation projects. Make sure family is on board. Research, plan and then choose.


Apr. 20-May. 20

You’re gaining influence. Take charge for the results you want. Dress for success. Share what’s possible and how to participat­e. Make it happen.


Jun. 22-Jul. 22

Contribute to a common cause. Coordinate communicat­ions and generate positive action. Inspire others to rise by example. Listen with empathy. Lend a helping hand.


Aug. 23-Sep. 22

Explore options. Monitor conditions to expand boundaries. Get involved in a fascinatin­g conversati­on. Expand your networks and connection­s. You’re learning fast.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Strategize with your partner. Deepen your connection with shared experience­s and fun. Romance is possible. Communicat­ion plus action equals unbeatable.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Have fun with your inner circle. Balance business with pleasure. Luck follows discipline­d action, especially regarding love and romance. Express what’s in your heart.


Feb.19-mar. 20

Trust your own good sense and tap into brilliance. Express creative ideas and possibilit­ies. Challenge the generally held opinion to discover hidden solutions.

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