Lebanon Traveler



Located in South Lebanon, Maghdouche is a town with a beautiful story to tell. Recognized as an important destinatio­n for pilgrims, it is also a place where agricultur­al traditions remain strong and where visitors can enjoy a snapshot of true village life


The town is located 50km south of Beirut and eight kilometers southeast of Saida, making it a great destinatio­n for those looking to do some sightseein­g. Take the highway southbound from Beirut and exit just before you reach Saida. From there, continue on the coastal road until you see a road branch to the left, which is signposted and will direct you to Maghdouche.

WHAT TO DO Our Lady of Mantara

The town’s most famous landmark is the tower of Our Lady of Awaiting, known as Our Lady of Mantara. Occupying a prominent position at the entrance of the village, it is believed to be the place where Mary waited for her son Jesus Christ when he was preaching in Sidon, Cana, Tyre and Sarafand. The cave within which Mary hid was abandoned, only to be rediscover­ed in 1721 when a shepherd was trying to save a goat that had fallen into a hole.

The people of Maghdouche constructe­d a cathedral and a modern tower above the cave in 1963. Today, it is an internatio­nallyrecog­nized pilgrimage site.

Orange blossom harvest

Visit the town at the end of February or early March and you will notice the distinct fragrance of bitter orange trees. Maghdouche is well known for harvesting the orange flower and using it in local products, including orange-blossom water, marmalades and syrups. At the onset of spring, locals, farmers and families participat­e in picking the flower to be sold or distilled.

A picnic is organized every year by Lebanon Stories (03 321054) to the fields of the bitter orange trees, where guests can enjoy the experience while lending farmers a hand with their harvesting.


For hikers and nature lovers, there is a beautiful hike in Abra, a village located less than a 10-minute drive from Maghdouche.

The easy-level hike takes in beautiful scenery. Hikers can expect to see very old trees, streams and a number of small caves. Contact Samir Sleiman (03 904300) to organize a hike.

WHERE TO EAT Kroum El Chames

A well-known spot in the area, Kroum El Chames (70 655959) offers a vast selection of traditiona­l Lebanese dishes.

Family Food

If you happen to reach Maghdouche in the morning, enjoy a hearty breakfast at Family Food (07 200320). It’s a great spot to grab a tasty saj.

Luma’s Snack

Elie Khoury, the owner of Luma’s Snack (71 298940), will prepare you a delicious sandwich using special recipes at the simple cafe.


Nestled in the pretty village of Jinjleya, just minutes from Maghdouche, is Gladys. A member of the L’hôte Libanais family, the guesthouse offers four delightful rooms and unrestrict­ed sea views from the rooftop. Surrounded by olive groves and orchards, guests will feel totally at home in the company of the lovely family that run Gladys. hotelibana­is.com

 ?? Photo: Nagham Ghandour ??
Photo: Nagham Ghandour
 ?? Photo: Nidal Majdalani ??
Photo: Nidal Majdalani

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