Kuwait Times

US leaders who were killed or survived assassinat­ion attempts


WASHINGTON: Donald Trump was shot by a gunman during a campaign rally on Saturday in what the FBI called an attempted assassinat­ion of the former US president. Below is a list of other previous attempts on the lives of American leaders, successful or not.


Four US presidents were assassinat­ed while in office. Abraham Lincoln was killed in 1865 by John Wilkes Booth at Ford’s Theatre in Washington. James Garfield was shot in 1881 in Washington at a train station, and died of his wounds two and a half months later.

William McKinley was assassinat­ed in 1901 by an anarchist in Buffalo, New York. John F Kennedy was shot by Lee Harvey Oswald in 1963 in Dallas, Texas as the president rode in a motorcade.


Four presidents were wounded but survived assassinat­ion attempts, while in office or afterwards. Donald Trump had just started a campaign speech in Pennsylvan­ia on Saturday, when shots rang out. A bullet appeared to have grazed his ear, which was bleeding. He was rushed by security officials to a black SUV.

Ronald Reagan was shot in 1981 outside the Hilton Hotel in Washington but survived the attack. Reagan was wounded when one of the bullets ricocheted off a limousine and struck him under the left armpit. President Gerald Ford survived two attempts on his life in less than three weeks in 1975 without being hurt. Theodore Roosevelt was shot in the chest in 1912 while campaignin­g for elections in Milwaukee and survived. Attempts on other leaders

Robert F Kennedy, a US presidenti­al candidate, was assassinat­ed in 1968 at the age of 42 by a gunman in the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. Alabama Governor George C Wallace was shot in 1982 and became paralyzed from the waist down.

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