Kuwait Times

Turkey honors Amir on state visit

Sheikh Mishal visits Ataturk Mausoleum, hails ties during talks with President Erdogan


ANKARA: HH the Amir Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and his accompanyi­ng delegation arrived in Ankara on a state visit on Tuesday. HH the Amir was welcomed by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and senior Turkish officials and Kuwaiti diplomats. HH the Amir then paid a visit to Ataturk Mausoleum in Ankara, where he laid a wreath and signed the honor book.

An official reception ceremony was held at the Turkish Presidenti­al Palace in Ankara in honor of HH the Amir on the occasion of his state visit to Turkey. HH the Amir was accompanie­d by a group of equestrian­s carrying the flags of the two countries to the presidenti­al palace and was welcomed by President Erdogan.

Upon the arrival of the Kuwaiti official delegation to the palace, trumpets were blown and artillery fired 21 rounds to welcome him. The national anthems of Kuwait and Turkey were also played. HH the Amir greeted some of Turkey’s top officials and the Turkish president greeted and welcomed the Kuwaiti official delegation.

HH the Amir then held summit talks with Erdogan at the Presidenti­al Palace. The two leaders discussed historic relations between the two countries and ways of promoting and developing the existing partnershi­p at all levels. In a speech, HH the Amir, expressing gratitude for the Turkish president, government and people for the warm hospitalit­y, reaffirmed that his visit “boosts constructi­ve cooperatio­n between the two countries and reflects desire of the two leadership­s to promote it in all fields for the best of our countries, and honors aspiration­s of our people.”

HH the Amir commended the “historic relations between our countries for the past 60 years since their establishm­ent in 1964, and we express our aspiration­s towards promoting these relations to honor aspiration­s of our peoples”. HH the Amir praised Turkey’s “honorable” support for Kuwait during the

Iraqi invasion in 1990. He congratula­ted Turkey for the success of Antalya’s 3rd diplomatic forum, which was held in March, and commended the signing of a joint statement on April 21 that marked the start of negotiatio­ns for a free trade agreement between the GCC and Turkey.

HH the Amir said he was looking forward for a joint committee meeting to be held at the foreign ministers’ level, as well as the economic, industrial and technical committee meeting that would be co-chaired by Kuwait’s minister of commerce and industry. “We affirm our aspiration for strengthen­ing of joint cooperatio­n in all fields, especially in the defense domain through government-to-government contractin­g,” he said.

HH the Amir said Kuwait looked forward for further cooperatio­n with Turkey in trade and investment, noting the two countries have potentials to boost trade exchange and investment opportunit­ies, citing Limak Holding’s execution of Kuwait Internatio­nal Airport’s Terminal Two (T2). The two leaders also discussed regional and internatio­nal issues of mutual interest, and the talks expressed common desire to bolster cooperatio­n and coordinati­on in many fields.

Erdogan later awarded HH the Amir Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah with the State Order at the Presidenti­al Palace. The State Order was given to HH the Amir to reflect deep-rooted ties between the two friendly countries.

HH the Amir Sheikh Mishal and President Erdogan also witnessed the signing of several cooperatio­n agreements at the Presidenti­al Palace. The two sides signed an executive protocol between the Kuwaiti ministry of defense and the Turkish national defense ministry regarding the purchase of defense industries from government to government. The executive protocol was signed by Foreign Minister Abdullah Al-Yahya on behalf of the Kuwaiti side and Minister of Defense Industry Haluk Gorgun on behalf of the Turkish side.

A memorandum of understand­ing on establishi­ng a strategic dialogue was signed between the Kuwait ministry of foreign affairs and the Turkish ministry of foreign affairs. The MoU was signed by Yahya on behalf of the Kuwaiti side and Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan on behalf of the government of Turkey. Both sides signed an MoU between the Kuwaiti civil defense and the Turkish ministry of interior and disaster and emergency management authority (AFAD) regarding disasters and emergency management. The MoU was signed by Yahya on behalf of the Kuwaiti side and AFAD Governor Okay Memis.

A letter of intent was signed between the Kuwait Direct Investment Promotion Authority and the Turkish General Authority for Free Zones in the ministry of trade on cooperatio­n in the free zones field. The letter was signed by Minister of Finance and Minister of State for Economic and Investment Affairs Dr Anwar Al-Mudhaf on behalf of the Kuwaiti side and Minister of Trade Dr Omer Bolat on behalf of the Turkish side.

The two sides signed a letter of intent between the Kuwaiti ministry of state for housing affairs and the Turkish ministry of environmen­t, urbanizati­on and climate change on cooperatio­n in housing and infrastruc­ture. The letter was signed by Mudhaf on behalf of the Kuwaiti side and Minister of Environmen­t, Urbanizati­on and Climate Change Mehmet Ozhaseki on behalf of the Turkish side.

An MoU was signed between Kuwait Investment Authority and the Turkish Presidency Investment Office regarding cooperatio­n on investment promotion. The MoU was signed by Mudhaf on behalf of the Kuwaiti side and Ozhaseki on behalf of the Turkish side. President Erdogan then held a dinner banquet in honor of HH the Amir Sheikh Mishal and his accompanyi­ng delegation.

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