Kuwait Times

Taiwan ‘will not bow to China’


TAIPEI: Taiwan will not bow to pressure by Beijing and will defend its democratic way of life, President Tsai Ing-wen said yesterday, following a spike in incursions by Chinese warplanes into its air defense zone. Selfgovern­ed Taiwan’s 23 million people live under the constant threat of invasion by authoritar­ian China, which views the island as its territory and has vowed to one day seize it, by force if necessary.

“The more we achieve, the greater the pressure we face from China,” Tsai said in a speech marking Taiwan’s National Day, adding: “Nobody can force Taiwan to take the path China has laid out for us.” She described Taiwan as “standing on democracy’s first line of defense”. “We hope for an easing of... relations (with Beijing) and will not act rashly, but there should be absolutely no illusions that the Taiwanese people will bow to pressure,” she added. The two sides have been ruled separately since the end of the Chinese Civil War in 1949.

Tensions have risen to their highest in decades under Chinese President Xi Jinping, who broke off official communicat­ion with Taipei following Tsai’s election five years ago and ramped up economic, diplomatic and military pressure. The latest flare-up has been a surge in flights by Chinese fighter jets and nuclear-capable bombers into Taiwan’s air defense identifica­tion zone (ADIZ). Some 150 sorties were made into the zone in the days surroundin­g China’s own National Day on 1 October-a record number. Three Chinese planes, including two fighter jets, crossed into the zone yesterday, according to Taiwan’s defense ministry.

‘Complete reunificat­ion’

Xi has made taking Taiwan a key goal of his leadership which he looks set to extend to a third term in 2022. On Saturday, he declared in a speech that “the complete reunificat­ion of our country will be and can be realized”. He said he favored “peaceful reunificat­ion” but his words come after months of increased military threats, including the recent surge in air incursions as well as heavily publicized military drills simulating an invasion of Taiwan. Last year, there were a record 380 sorties. There have already been more than 600 this year.

The ADIZ is not the same as

Taiwan’s territoria­l airspace. It includes a far greater area that overlaps with part of China’s own air defense identifica­tion zone and even includes some of the mainland. Tsai, who has won two elections, is loathed by Beijing because she regards Taiwan as an “already independen­t” country, not part of “one China”. But she has also made no move to declare formal independen­ce, something Beijing has long warned would be a “red line” that would trigger an invasion.

She has also made offers for talks

with Beijing that have been rejected. During yesterday’s speech, Tsai reiterated her call for Beijing “to engage in dialogue on the basis of parity” and said she supported maintainin­g the current status quo between the two neighbors. But she warned what happens to Taiwan would have major regional and global repercussi­ons. “Every step we take will influence our world’s future direction, and our world’s future direction will likewise affect the future of Taiwan itself,” she said.

 ?? ?? TAIPEI: Taiwanese soldiers raise flags on military vehicles during a national day parade in front of the Presidenti­al Palace during in Taipei yesterday. — AFP
TAIPEI: Taiwanese soldiers raise flags on military vehicles during a national day parade in front of the Presidenti­al Palace during in Taipei yesterday. — AFP

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