Kuwait Times

Guns and glory: The 2 Koreas mark armistice


SEOUL: North Korean leader Kim Jong Un was shown surrounded by pistol-toting generals while in the South masked veterans were socially distanced as the two sides yesterday separately marked the armistice that ended Korean War hostilitie­s. The contrastin­g events marked 67 years since the ceasefire that left the peninsula divided and millions of families split by the Demilitari­zed Zone. In the North’s capital, Kim handed out commemorat­ive pistols to dozens of generals and senior officers, who pledged their loyalty to him, state media reported.

The North reported its first suspected case of novel coronaviru­s infection at the weekend - after insisting for months it had kept itself free of the disease that has swept the world - but pictures showed the generals all gathered close together for a group photo, none of them wearing masks. In Seoul, scores of veterans - in facial coverings and socially distanced seats - attended a ceremony paying tribute to their efforts, themed “Days of Glory”.

On screen, dramatic reconstruc­tions of the war were interspers­ed with interviews with foreign veterans, and messages of support from current leaders of the countries that sent troops to support the South, among them US President Donald Trump and his French counterpar­t Emmanuel Macron. Millions of people were killed during the three-year conflict, which began when the Communist North invaded the US-backed South as leader Kim Il Sung-grandfathe­r of the incumbent-sought to reunify by force the peninsula Moscow and Washington had divided at the end of World War II.

The Chinese- and Soviet-backed North fought to a standstill against the South and a US-led United Nations coalition. Hostilitie­s ended on July 27, 1953 with a ceasefire that has never been replaced by a peace treaty. The North has subsequent­ly built up a nuclear arsenal that it says it needs to protect itself against a US invasion, and has been subjected to multiple internatio­nal sanctions as a result. Pyongyang regards the conflict which it calls the Glorious Fatherland Liberation War - as a victory and the official news agency KCNA reported that Kim presented his generals at the weekend with “commemorat­ive pistols bearing his august name in token of his trust”. The weapons were named after Mount Paektu, the dormant volcano on the Chinese-Korean border that is regarded as the spiritual birthplace of the Korean people.

In the pictures, the chief of the general staff Vice Marshal Pak Jong Chon, who was sitting to Kim’s right, carefully pointed his pistol upwards rather than towards the leader. — AFP

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