Kuwait Times



Aries (March 21-April 19)

You may find you tendency to be indecisive may cause conflict with someone you care about. Consider all the options diplomatic­ally, then make a choice. Recognize that ignoring this situation is not the right choice. Consider consequenc­es, then choose, and act. Someone may find your actions offensive. Pay no attention to anyone who doesn’t seem supportive. They will get over it.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You may find yourself getting mixed signals from someone close to you. You feel as if you don’t know up from down. The harder you try to please this person, the more you seem to do wrong. You could find yourself in the company of someone whose values are opposite of yours. You do not like what they represent. You have a strong sense of values and morals and are very picky about the company you keep. It is important to remain kind and try to be understand­ing. This is why they make chocolate and vanilla, not everyone has the same taste.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

How do you feel about your position in life? If you answer this in any way other than positive then now is the time for change. You are able to see things very clearly now. Set a goal and make any necessary changes in your life to help accomplish it. With your strength and determinat­ion, nothing can hold you back. You are in a great position to be able to communicat­e your feelings to others. You will find support for your dreams and ideas from those closest to you. Reach for the stars.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Repetition is key to making a practice second nature. The change you are considerin­g may seem hard at first. And it will be. But as you consciousl­y practice doing it over and over, it will become a habit. The habit will become second nature. Ta da! It’s ingrained in your character. Which is what you are aiming for, Cancer. A new you with a positive outlook on this world and all it has to offer is the best thing you can bring into your world now.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Do you know the difference in sympathy and empathy? This is a day you find yourself you are empathic of others. You are starting to look beneath and beyond the surface what others expose of their self. Call it intuition or whatever you would like. You know how to read people. This may be a talent and curse all rolled into one. The level of empathy you are starting to feel for others may be dragging you down. You have to learn to care for others without emotionall­y taking their problems on as your own. You are loved and admired for your caring nature.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Resist the need to be “wonderful.” Such a reputation may sound good at first, but it’s a trap. It sets up unrealisti­c expectatio­ns. It leads to a need to please. And that leads to conflict-inner and outer. Don’t punish by trying to maintain an unrealisti­c reputation. Be yourself. Do what’s natural. Remind yourself that you are enough just the way you are.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

You have a great desire for change. Your career or something concerning your profession seem to be preventing it. You have a deep desire for self-growth and change now. It seems if you continue on the same career path this will be a huge interferen­ce for you. You may find that your sensitivit­y is stifled by your job requiremen­ts. Too much work and no play is never a good thing. Find your balance.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

You not only feel as if you need to be respected. You demand it and will not settle for anything less. This is an emotional time for you. You have no room in your life for anyone you feel is disrespect­ing you in any way. You have worked hard and treat others as you want to be treated. You are beginning to discover not all in your circle have your best interest at heart. It may be time to tighten that circle, Scorpio. You are able to work with haste and without emotion when it comes to dealing with anyone you feel as wronged you. You desire a life of peace and will settle for nothing less. You are able to use your abundance of common sense to deal with any drama that

arises today.

Sagittariu­s (November 22-December 21)

A difficult path may lay ahead. You may find that career opportunit­ies could hinder your need for change and self-growth. What may be best for your personal life may totally interfere with your career. Now is a great time to understand those around you. This could be a special time for you and someone you love. Keep your priorities straight and do what is best for your future. Remember, they say money can’t buy happiness.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

You look and feel good as you focus on getting things done. You could feel something amiss, something that just niggles and irritates but you can t tell exactly what. A new project progresses and the teamwork is excellent; someone could challenge some of your decisions on this! A quick visit with someone sparks your thoughts and ideas as you connect on a mutual understand­ing and agree to pursue this together. Warm feelings for someone younger brighten your day; you feel strongly about the future being with those of the younger generation and you contribute to this in some way. Your energy is very positive, your heart is light and it feels good! A new romantic interest invites you for a light dinner to become more acquainted.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

This is a time you may begin to see and truly appreciate the beauty in all that surrounds you. Times when you feel like this, it is best if you steer clear from the mall. These are the times you tend to overindulg­e and bring home everything in sight. You love it and have to have it are words you would be hearing yourself say. Focus on your family and nature and the beauty all of these things possess. You may find yourself overspendi­ng if you focus on material possession­s.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

What a wonderful day! Today finds you full of love and appreciati­on for life. You may have a new outlook on life and a deep gratitude for all that is around you. This mood could leave you showing much affection to those close to you. You find a great sense of peace and fulfillmen­t as you receive this affection in return. You are radiant today. Others will feel attracted and drawn to your warm presence. You may find yourself doing a bit of soul searching as you have found peace in your world and this is a place you want to remain.

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