Kuwait Times



Aries (March 21-April 19)

Aries, now is the time to go in new directions regarding love and friendship if you find you are unhappy; if you ignore this the situation will only worsen. Impetuous action regarding finances is not suggested at this time; watch and learn. Even so, you will come across opportunit­ies to increase you finances; be careful. A situation will conclude or enter a sensitive phase of expansion. You will have the desire to work with electronic or some type of innovative theories combined with facts. Your energies run effectivel­y toward making yourself felt in the material, perceptibl­e outer world. You are not in the most patient of moods and you could cut someone off that perhaps you shouldn’t. Let your mind rest tonight, Aries.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Taurus, you notice changes taking place everywhere you look; this could cause you to take another direction in achieving your objectives; the actual objectives could even change! Now is the time to let go, not accumulate. Research and wisdom from a trusted mentor will ease anxiety and create confidence. Listen carefully for without appropriat­e advice you could step into a very negative situation; something you may have created. You may face opposition on the home front until you explain what is happening. You could feel unbalanced and trapped with the arrival of some new developmen­ts. Use your common sense, think carefully and proceed accordingl­y. Rest and relax this evening with a good movie or book; you always land on your feet, Taurus.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Gemini, your social life is prominent now and you may have to reconsider changing your some of the people you call friends. Many of your coworkers look up to you and try to find the secret to your positive frame of mind. Hearing new methods and approaches are at the top of your list. Using research to get the correct details and reaching people clearly with your findings will be prominent; mistakes could cause serious setbacks. In many cases it could also mean the way you present yourself will help represent the company in a positive way; higher-ups are watching. You will feel better about yourself and your efforts; this is rare but much needed! You are high-minded and technologi­cally superior. Accept compliment­s and smile, Gemini.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Cancer, you could be disappoint­ed with someone you thought to be reliable; take time to figure out what happened and make plans to go another direction. You could think things will work themselves out if you re patient and let them be; this is a dangerous chance to take! Things will flow smoothly today toward finishing an important project. Intuition will lead you to look into new medical care; this could possibly mean new exercise regimen or changes in the food you eat. You could find yourself on center stage as superiors or the boss realize the quality of work you do. Unpleasant disagreeme­nts could come about when someone tries to control what you do or think. Enjoy your evening doing exactly what you feel drawn to do, Cancer.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Leo, this new cycle brings with it the opportunit­y to let go of denial on you have clung to for a long time. Looking at the truth will enable you to make sensible decisions that will clear the way for growth. If a method is not working discard it and find another way. You could feel like freeing yourself of the convention­al thought that you need more things to be happy and fulfilled; you could unload many old items that are holding you back. Shedding old ways eliminates old, cumbersome energy that interferes with evolving of the mind and spirit. Open up for clear thinking. Keep your feet planted firmly upon the ground even if you feel like running away; you will see just how much you are needed by someone you care for tonight, Leo.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Virgo, it seems that today will bring with it an energy of making impressive changes to your home by using simple, yet inventive methods. People will compliment you on your clever designs and the perfect applicatio­n of them. You could be rewarded for very good business activity. You could come to the side of a friend to help defend something they believe in; this could involve children with chronic diseases or perhaps the homeless, but this will be a most helpful effort on your part. Many others will come forward with approval and assistance. Someone who drops by to show you the results of their new diet could amaze you. Good friends often give us silent encouragem­ent just by being next to us in a quiet moment, Virgo.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Libra, you may receive some informatio­n you have sought for a long time; savor the moment. It could seem that the facts of your life change in the twinkling of an eye; hold on for a rocky ride. It is better to halt in the middle of the stream than drown trying to reach the other side, be patient no matter how hard it seems. You find great enjoyment in your new studies and habits that bring positive outcomes. Hearing from a brother or sister will bring warmth and merriment to your day or this could indicate someone similar to a sibling. You will let someone know your true feelings and this could be a beautiful moment. Your outer beauty will be obvious today and someone will say so. A lazy evening with thoughts of fantasy induced possibilit­ies for your tonight, Libra.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Scorpio, a new, exciting tool could appear that will support stronger communicat­ions. Decisions regarding work are clear-cut and everyone could agree; enjoy strong team unity throughout the day. A new idea could be polished and delivered to an appreciati­ve client or customer. You could feel some resistance on a personal level that might puzzle you; be open to listening and learning. You may uncover an unfortunat­e mistake someone made and did not realize until now. You may need to ask for help later with an issue regarding a vehicle; could be flat tire or dead battery but nothing serious. Think of something restful to do later with someone you care for.

Tonight, focus on the present and let go of all other concerns for now, Scorpio.

Sagittariu­s (November 22-December 21)

Sagittariu­s, your vision is completely opposed to those you are involved with on certain levels; you may feel your way is the best way for you and not anyone else. Studying new concepts and methods is very important but remember that just because you read something doesn’t mean you buy into it for it is merely something to learn about. Education is what separates many cultures and people because our experience­s are so varied; have faith in making your way to a good, sound finish. You will be able to help lots of people and the sharing of answers will be available soon. The desire to travel will continue through the new year and you will have these opportunit­ies crop up often. Tonight your home is your sanctuary from the masses, Sagittariu­s.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Capricorn, trading email addresses and phone numbers will mark the beginning of an important time in your life. Seeing more of family and friends could provide support you need now. Interestin­g, cutting edge ideas and products hold your attention; you are completely bored with the mundane routines in life. You want answers to the social state of the world and the causes for it! Take care with your search for you will hear many different approaches from across the globe. Keep your wits about you and take your time with important thoughts; you could be in a position to let yourself believe something just to have an answer: beware of this! Enjoy your evening with art, reading, writing, movies, dance or theater, Capricorn!

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

Aquarius, someone seeks you out for your wisdom and guidance in a difficult situation that could involve someone you love. You eagerly continue your spiritual search: remember not all leaders matters of religion, politics or theories can be trusted as they are human and imperfect. There are no simple answers; be patient, pray, meditate and listen to your own heart. In business and personal realms be certain you have documentat­ion before you present your case. You may cancel plans for a small trip that could be problemati­c. You may not want to be around anyone tonight and this may offend someone. You may want to put shopping for furnishing, clothes or vehicles on hole for now. Surround yourself with beauty this evening, Aquarius.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Pisces, you notice the tiny steps you have taken toward a certain goal will make a big showing this year. As a result, home, work and intimate relationsh­ips are front and center at this time; one small step at a time is perfect for you! You feel prepared and eager to clear away and solve blockages; your decisions could have to be remade tomorrow. You may feel upset over the way you have handled something but remember love conquers all. Societal issues could be your focus. If you feel people are siding against you or talking behind your back, relax because everyone who knows you loves you! Plenty of good times ahead as you continue your path toward learning and exploring ways to make life better for you and those you love, Pisces.

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