Kuwait Times

Wasta takes the rights of others

- By Nawara Fattahova

Each of us can contribute to making Kuwait a better place for all of us to live. In our daily deeds and actions, we can find - if we choose to look - opportunit­ies for improving Kuwait’s environmen­t. From not littering on the streets, to choosing to be kind and helpful to others, each individual here can have a positive impact on the society as a whole. Kuwait Times wants to know what can you do?

*** Egyptian expat Rabab Algohari, who has been living in Kuwait for nine years now, believes that following laws and rules is very important to improve life in Kuwait. She answered to the question how you can improve this country as follows:

“Many people respect some law as they are forced to do so, while they do not respect other rules. High and strict punishment deters them, so they do not break laws such as not passing the red light as, they know that the punishment is very serious including imprisonme­nt apart from the high fine. Thus if they knew there is no speed camera or policeman watching, some of them may risk committing the violation.

“Some drivers do not respect parts of the traffic law such as driving without fastening the seat belt or parking at the disabled parking spot. They consider these violations as not so serious, so they break the law. Unfortunat­ely I also do not follow all traffic laws, and I know that it is wrong, such as not wearing the seat belt, or over speeding in some small lanes. So I will try to respect all the traffic laws, as this will improve life in my opinion.

“Also discipline and respecting queues is important to improve life. Many people in different places such as in front of the cashier in stores or in some ministries try to cut the line to finish first and this is very annoying. In Dubai for instance, the people are much more discipline­d and you rarely see somebody cutting the queue.

“I think that the authoritie­s should be stricter and increase their control on the violators, and this will prevent people from breaking the rules. Furthermor­e, people should not use wasta (connection­s), as this takes the rights of other people and it is not ethical. If people stopped using wasta, it will improve life in Kuwait.”

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Rabab Algohari

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