Kuwait Times

Bullets trump rehab: Asia failing in its war on drugs

Indonesia declares ‘narcotics emergency’


The Philippine­s has launched a bloody “war on drugs” that has killed at least 2,400 people in just two months, while neighborin­g Indonesia has declared a “narcotics emergency” and resumed executing drug convicts after a long hiatus. In Thailand and Myanmar, petty drug users are being sentenced to long jail terms in prisons already bursting at the seams.

The soaring popularity of methamphet­amine - a cheap and highly addictive drug also known as meth - is driving countries across Asia to adopt hardline anti-narcotics policies. Experts say they are likely to only make things worse. Geoff Monaghan has seen it all before. He investigat­ed narco-traffickin­g gangs during his 30year career as a detective with London’s Metropolit­an Police, then witnessed the impact of draconian anti-drug policies as an HIV/AIDS expert in Russia. “We have plenty of data but often we forget the history,” said Monaghan. “That’s the problem.”

He believes President Rodrigo Duterte’s antidrugs campaign in the Philippine­s will fuel more violence and entrench rather than uproot traffickin­g networks. “I’m very fearful about the situation,” he said. Reflecting the regional explosion in use, the amount of meth seized in East and Southeast Asia almost quadrupled from about 11 tons in 2009 to 42 tons in 2013, said the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). The only region seizing more meth was North America, where the booming trade inspired the popular television series “Breaking Bad”. Meth was the “primary drug of concern” in nine Asian countries, the UNODC said, including Indonesia, the Philippine­s, Thailand, Japan and South Korea.

Playing catch-up

A rising chorus of experts blame this surge in production and use of meth in Asia on ineffectiv­e and even counterpro­ductive government responses. They say national drug-control policies are skewed towards harsh measures that criminaliz­e users but have failed to staunch the deluge of drugs or catch the kingpins behind it. They also want a greater emphasis on reducing demand through more and better quality drug rehabilita­tion. “There is so much scaremonge­ring and hysteria surroundin­g the issue of drugs,” says Gloria Lai of the Internatio­nal Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC), a global network of 154 nongovernm­ental groups. “That’s a disincenti­ve for challengin­g old ways of thinking.”

Meth is a transnatio­nal business, worth around $15 billion in mainland Southeast Asia alone in 2013, the UNODC says. Much of the production takes place in laboratori­es in lawless western Myanmar. Ingredient­s such as pseudoephe­drine and caffeine are smuggled across porous borders from India, China and Vietnam. Laos and Thailand are major traffickin­g routes, with the finished product travelling by road or along the Mekong River for distributi­on throughout Southeast Asia and China.

Meth is sold in cheap pills called “ya ba”, a Thai name meaning “crazy medicine”, or in a more potent, crystallin­e form known as “crystal meth”, “ice” or “shabu”. Contraband is effectivel­y hidden amid rising volumes of regional trade, leaving law enforcemen­t to play catch-up, said Jeremy Douglas, the UNODC’s Asia Pacific chief. “We need to start thinking about big-time regional engagement, up to the highest level. It’s impossible to deal with the problem on a country-by-country basis,” he said. “I can’t recall the last time a major traffickin­g kingpin was caught.”

Social cost

The meth explosion carries huge social consequenc­es: Overburden­ed health services, overcrowde­d prisons, families and communitie­s torn apart. Small-time users and dealers bear the brunt of unsparing law enforcemen­t that is popular in crime-weary communitie­s. In mid-July, as drug war killings escalated in the Philippine­s, one survey put President Duterte’s approval rating at 91 percent.

Thailand launched an equally popular “war on drugs” in 2003 that killed about 2,800 people in three months. But figures show it had no lasting impact on meth supply or demand in Thailand. “The world has lost the war on drugs, not only Thailand,” the country’s justice minister Paiboon Koomchaya told Reuters in July. Paiboon hinted at a radical shift in policy, saying he wanted to reclassify meth to reduce sentences for possessing and dealing the drug. For now though, Thailand continues to jail thousands of petty drug users, with about 70 percent of its 300,000 or so prisoners jailed on drugs offences, according to government data.

Tough to treat

Meth addiction is tough to treat, ideally requiring costly and time-consuming counseling. Long-term use can cause changes in brain structure and function. In March, US President Barack Obama said drug dependency should be seen as “a public health problem and not a criminal problem”, part of a bid to roll back a “war on drugs” begun in the 1970s and now widely seen as a failure. Policy in Asia is largely moving in the opposite direction, with drug rehabilita­tion underfunde­d and inadequate. Less than 1 percent of dependent drug users in Indonesia got treatment in 2014, said the UNODC. Lacking alternativ­es, desperate Indonesian­s resort to herbal baths, Islamic prayer and other remedies of unproven efficacy. “Rehab” in many countries often means detention at a state facility. In Thailand, thousands of users are held at army camps for four months. Relapse rates at drug detention centres range from 60-90 percent, says the World Health Organisati­on. — Reuters

 ??  ?? JAKARTA: Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, right, walks with his Indonesian counterpar­t Joko Widodo as school children in traditiona­l dress wave the national flags of the two countries during a welcome ceremony at Merdeka Palace. — AP
JAKARTA: Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, right, walks with his Indonesian counterpar­t Joko Widodo as school children in traditiona­l dress wave the national flags of the two countries during a welcome ceremony at Merdeka Palace. — AP

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