Kuwait Times

Amir condemns Munich shopping mall shooting


His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah Friday strongly condemned the shooting in a shopping mall in the German city of Munich, which reportedly killed and wounded a number of people. His Highness the Amir, in a cable to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, said the shooting targeted innocent civilians and was in contradict­ion with human values.

His Highness the Amir reiterated Kuwait’s support to the German government’s measures against these criminal acts, in order to restore security and stability. He expressed the State of Kuwait’s solidarity with the internatio­nal community to confrontin­g all forms of terrorism and addressing its finances. His Highness the Amir extended condolence­s for families of the victims, and wished speedy recovery for the injured.

His Highness the Deputy Amir and Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah condemned the shooting in the shopping mall. His Highness Sheikh Nawaf, in a cable to Merkel, extended condolence­s for families of the victims and wished rapid recovery for the wounded. His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah sent a similar cable.

Heinous assault

Meanwhile, National Assembly Speaker Marzouq Al-Ghanem has strongly condemned the deadly shooting attack at a shopping mall in Munich. In a cable sent to President of the Bundestag (the German parliament) Norbert Lammert, Ghanem expressed condolence­s and sympathy with the relatives of the innocent victims of the heinous assault. Such an act runs counter to all religious teachings and humanitari­an values, he stressed.

The chief lawmaker voiced Kuwait’s people solidarity with the German people in their fight against terrorism or any act that aims to destabiliz­e their country or jeopardize their safety. He reiterated that the recent spate of terror attacks which hit several parts of the world shows that terror groups have become more organized and their menace is growing and threatenin­g the whole world. The internatio­nal community has to intensify its efforts and coordinati­on and prioritize global security issues to eliminate the terror threat, he added. At least eight people have been killed and several others injured in Munich.

The State of Kuwait had strongly condemned on Friday the ‘criminal act’ of shooting which targeted innocents in Munich. A source at the Foreign Ministry expressed in a statement Kuwait’s strong condemnati­on and denounceme­nt of the shooting incident which killed and wounded several people.

This ‘heinous’ crime reflects the brutality of terrorist organizati­ons which target humanity security and the world’s stability, it said, stressing the importance of concerted internatio­nal efforts to fight this ‘dangerous’ scourge. The source reiterated Kuwait’s support for Germany in all measures taken to maintain its security and stability. The source expressed sincere condolence­s to Germany, wishing the injured a speedy recovery.

Kuwaitis safe

Kuwait’s Ambassador to Germany Munther Al-Essa reassured yesterday that all Kuwaiti citizens in Munich are safe and sound. “After consulting with the German authoritie­s, we can verify that no Kuwaitis were amongst the fatalities of this criminal attack,” Essa said in a statement. “We remain in contact with the authoritie­s to ensure the safety of our citizens,” he added. The Kuwaiti diplomat deplored the ‘criminal’ attack, as he wished a speedy recovery for those wounded.

Avoid crowds

In the meantime, Kuwait’s Foreign Ministry urged citizens in Munich to stay away from crowds and abide by instructio­ns issued by the official authoritie­s, following a shooting incident in a shopping mall Friday. A ministry source urged citizens who needed assistance to contact Kuwait’s Consulate General in Frankfurt on: (+49) 915-208-001-100. They can also contact the ministry’s emergency numbers: (+965) 9800-7999 and (+965) 9800-7888.

The foreign ministry also urged citizens who needed assistance to contact Kuwait’s embassy in Berlin on: (+49) 162-166-677-9, (+49) 160-717-777-9, (+49) 160-897-300-0. They can also contact Kuwait’s Consulate General in Frankfurt on: (+49) 915-208-001100, (+49) 162-866-661-6, (+49) 163-944494-4. They can also contact ministry’s emergency numbers: (+965) 9800-7999 (+965) 9800-7888.

Furthermor­e, Kuwait’s Embassy in Germany advised Kuwaiti nationals residing or visiting Germany to be vigilant and stay indoors following the attack. In a press statement, the embassy also urged nationals to follow up local Germany media, especially Deutsche Welle and official local social networking sites. The embassy also urged nationals to abide by instructio­ns of security and other local authoritie­s for their safety. If they want help, they can call the embassy on the following number: (+49) 160-897-300-0.

 ?? — AP ?? MUNICH: In this Friday, July 22, 2016 photo provided by Wael Ladki, people take shelter as armed police officers are on the hunt for possible fugitives after a shooting in a shopping mall in Munich, southern Germany.
— AP MUNICH: In this Friday, July 22, 2016 photo provided by Wael Ladki, people take shelter as armed police officers are on the hunt for possible fugitives after a shooting in a shopping mall in Munich, southern Germany.

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