Kuwait Times

Jordan looks to donors to ease Syria refugee burden


AMMAN: On the doorstep of Syria’s conflict, Jordan is pinning hopes on this week’s donor conference in London to ease the burden on its debt-riddled economy of hosting hundreds of thousands of refugees. King Abdullah II, one of dozens of world leaders due to attend Thursday’s meeting, has warned his country is at “boiling point”. “Sooner or later, I think, the dam is going to burst,” he told the BBC, pointing to strains on employment, infrastruc­ture, education and healthcare. Jordan hosts more than 630,000 of the roughly 4.6 million Syrian refugees overseas, according to the United Nations High Commission­er for Refugees. The Jordanian government gives a much higher estimate of 1.4 million, because many of them are unregister­ed.

The influx has overwhelme­d the resourcepo­or country of 9.5 million people including migrants and refugees-much of which is desert. “Jordan can no longer continue to provide aid to Syrian refugees without long-term internatio­nal assistance,” Planning Minister Imad Al-Fakhoury said Sunday at a meeting with representa­tives of donor countries. He warned the kingdom could be “forced to take painful measures that will lead to a greater influx of refugees to Europe if Jordan is left on its own to deal with the consequenc­es of the Syria crisis”. In 2016 alone, the refugees will cost Jordan $2.7 billion, according to Amman. “We’re asking the internatio­nal community to help us with this sum so that we can continue to fulfill our duties towards the refugees,” Prime Minister Abdullah Nsur said during a weekend visit to a refugee camp. Jordan last year started to limit the inflow, insisting it must screen newcomers to ensure they are genuine refugees and not jihadists seeking to infiltrate the country. The kingdom is now only allowing in a few dozen refugees each day after the screening process. Jordan is dependent on internatio­nal aid to deal with the consequenc­es of the conflict in Syria as well as in Iraq, another neighbor. Jordanian authoritie­s say the Syrian crisis has cost the country $6.6 billion over the past five years.

Debt mountain

Ferid Belhaj, World Bank director for the Middle East, pointed out that the closure of frontier posts previously used for commercial traffic has heavily impacted Jordanian trade. The massive influx of refugees on the jobs market and reliance on utilities such as water and energy as well the health and education systems have also weighed down Jordan, he said. Belhaj noted that the World Bank together with the United Nations and Islamic Developmen­t Bank had been offering Jordan low-cost financing mechanisms.

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