Kuwait Times

Ministry bans drones for security reasons


KUWAIT: The recent seizure of a remote-control drone hovering above the Ministry of Interior’s (MoI) headquarte­rs call for immediate and strict measures to prevent the threats such drones pose to national security, said security sources. The sources explained that MoI has contacted the civil aviation department, the ministry of commerce and industry and the customs demanding a ban on importing such aircraft without prior permission from MoI. The interior ministry also decided confiscati­ng any drones that had been already imported without permission and referring importers to relevant authoritie­s for evading taxes and importing banned items without permission.

The sources highlighte­d that a decision was made banning all companies and individual­s from importing Phantom drones without MoI’s written approval. The decision also includes referring individual­s arrested with the possession of any of these electronic aircraft to state security for investigat­ion, especially after realizing the threats they pose to national security.

Moreover, the sources said MoI’s undersecre­tary Lt Gen Suleiman Al-Fahd called a meeting between MoI’s concerned officials and relevant ones in other state bodies like the customs department, the ministry of commerce and the civil aviation department to discuss the measures. — Al-Rai

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