Kuwait Times

10% of drugs fake

- By A Saleh

KUWAIT: The director of drugs inspection department at the Health Ministry Dr Jaber Al-Khalidi said yesterday counterfei­t drugs made up to 10 percent of the medicine in the local market. He said the department is keen on preventing these drugs from reaching consumers, adding that 420 discoverie­s of fake drugs were made in 2013, and these ended up with the public prosecutio­n. He said that most of the medicines confiscate­d are male sex-enhancing drugs and weight-reduction pills for women, adding that some of these diet tablets may lead to suicide attempts. Khalidi said among the obstacles they face is a lack of response by some of the violators and that is why police are called in.

He said 33 inspectors work round-the-clock to thwart the spread of fake drugs.

Meanwhile, the head of the government inspection department Nasser Al-Shimmari said that 44 cases of breakins and theft of drugs were reported in government hospitals in 2013. He said the department makes field visits to hospitals and government centers as there are 51 hospitals and centers in addition to 166 pharmacies and 371 wards in hospitals. He said the rounds aim at monitoring the drugs and ensure their quality, and check how they are stored. He said that most violations take place in Farwaniya governorat­e and Sabah Medical Zone. Head of the private sector inspection department Dr Yasser Behbehani said that 17 pharmacist­s were suspended, four pharmacies were closed and 13 pharmacies were referred to the disciplina­ry committee at the Health Ministry for selling fake drugs in 2013.

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