Arab Times

Foreign institutio­ns raising growth expectatio­ns amid China’s recovery


BEIJING, July 8, (Xinhua): As China maintains its steady economic growth momentum, foreigninv­ested institutio­ns have increasing­ly raised growth expectatio­ns for the country’s economy, with Chinese assets attracting growing attention.

Multiple institutes, including Barclays and Goldman Sachs, have raised their forecast for China’s GDP growth rate in 2024 to 5 percent from the previous 4.4 percent and 4.8 percent respective­ly, and Fitch adjusted its estimates from 4.5 percent to 4.8 percent.

The World Bank also recently revised its forecast for China’s economic growth, predicting a GDP growth rate of 4.8 percent in 2024, an increase of 0.3 percentage points from its December 2023 forecast.

The macroecono­mic fundamenta­ls of the Chinese economy remain sound with signs including falling unemployme­nt, rising per capita disposable income and booming strategic emerging industries in multiple provinces nationwide, and the factors provide a solid foundation for steady recovery, a report from the ASEAN+3 Macroecono­mic Research Office (AMRO) stated.

The AMRO’s estimation of China’s 2024 GDP growth came in at 5.3 percent, according to this report.

Industry insiders believe that the collective upward revision of China’s economic growth forecasts by internatio­nal institutio­ns reflects strong confidence in China’s economic prospects and trust in the resilience and potential of the country’s economy.

Hu Yifan, chief investment officer and macroecono­mic director of Asia Pacific at UBS Wealth Management, said that UBS projected China’s consumptio­n for the whole year to register a 6-percent growth.

“Service sector consumptio­n is expected to show resilience first, particular­ly in industries such as travel, transporta­tion, hotels, restaurant­s and box offices, which have shown relatively evident growth surpassing 2019 levels,” Hu said.

In the context of macroecono­mic stabilizat­ion and recovery, foreign institutio­ns have also shown interest in Chinese assets at low valuations.

“Since the end of October 2023, J.P. Morgan has been fully bullish on Chinese equities,” said Wendy Liu, chief Asia and China equity strategist at J.P. Morgan, noting that China has shown significan­t economic recovery, which is conducive to the performanc­e of A-shares and Hong Kong stocks, further supporting stock valuations.

Valuations in consumer sectors such as catering and social services are at historical­ly low levels, and low valuations are a good way to weather the current global uncertaint­y, according to Japanese financial services group Nomura.

With the continuous deepening of comprehens­ive reforms in China’s capital market and institutio­nal opening up, global capital investment in the Chinese market has also become easier.

Earlier in April, China’s State Council released a guideline on strengthen­ing regulation, forestalli­ng risks and promoting the highqualit­y developmen­t of the capital market, calling for efforts to optimize the cross-border interconne­ction mechanism of the capital market and broadening the financing channels for overseas listing of enterprise­s while enhancing internatio­nal securities cooperatio­n.

In the meantime, China will simplify and improve fund management for the dollar-denominate­d Qualified Foreign Institutio­nal Investor scheme (QFII) and its yuan-denominate­d sibling, RQFII, Zhu Hexin, deputy governor of the People’s Bank of China, said earlier at the Lujiazui Forum held in Shanghai.

“We are revising relevant fund management regulation­s,” said Zhu, who is also the head of the State Administra­tion of Foreign Exchange, calling for efforts to facilitate foreign investors’ participat­ion in domestic securities investment and promote financial market connectivi­ty.

The QFII and RQFII programs are designed to allow overseas investors to invest in China’s domestic capital markets.

Since 2020, more than 300 qualified foreign institutio­nal investors have completed foreign exchange registrati­on.

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